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  • Said joseph , giving a thud with his prop on the floor , and assuming an authoritative air ; noa ! that manes nowt
  • From different sides came the hiss and thud of cannon balls and the bursting of grenades , as they fell in the town
  • Meat is piled high on a board , and the constant thud ? thud ? thud of a swinging c leaver echoes round the chamber
  • Again , again ! and still he heard the dull thuds and the desperate but affected scream . again , again , the major was saying
  • His hand trembled as he gave his horse to an orderly , and he felt that the blood was rushing to his heart with a thud
  • The back of his hand stokes a mustache above his mouth . shiki leaps up in shock , and lands on the carpet with a gentle thud
  • The deep thud of a 155 - millimeter howitzer echoes off the mountains as what looks like an artillery shell speeds from the gun barrel
    155毫米榴弹炮低沉的炮声在山间? ? ,有个很像炮弹的东西从炮管中加速冲出。
  • The players move with brutal grace and poise , slamming into each other with hard - hitting thuds and great tackle animations
  • Phoebe : with the web , the spider she dies , she does . she has babies and dies . it ' s like ya know , hey welcome home from the hospital , thud
    跟那个蜘蛛网,蜘蛛,她死了,她生下了小孩,然后她死了。就好像“欢迎从医院回来” 。
  • Martinez looked at fisher , who shrugged . martinez reached into his back pocket and tossed something onto the table . it landed with soft thud
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