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set the stage for

"set the stage for"的翻译和解释


  • David katz , m . d . , and keith block , m . d . , say a high - fat , empty calorie diet can set the stage for an inflammatory response that actually fuels a cancer patient ' s disease and undermines treatment
    两位美国的科学研究表明,富含- 3 -脂肪酸和植物营养素能够降低得癌症和心脏病及其糖尿病的危险。
  • This will set the stage for part 2 , which will cover the new work - management and transaction - inflow contracts , and part 3 , which will examine the long - awaited message - inflow contract , better known as
  • Then in 1875 , out of nowhere , a well combination of wind currents , drought and basic biology , set the stage for the unthinkable - - the biggest baddish swarm ever recorded
    接着在1875年,不知从哪里出来的,一次风流,旱灾和基本的生物群落的正好的结合,促成了上演这个意想不到的? ?曾被纪录的最大的害虫群
  • The joint statement sets the stage for the development of a more strategic relationship on the environment and sustainable development , built on the existing framework of previous exchanges and collaboration
  • As to what prompted homo ' s initial shift toward the higher - quality diet necessary for brain growth , environmental change appears to have once more set the stage for evolutionary change
  • A man whose very name is synonymous with scientific genius , einstein has come to represent more than any other person the flowering of 20th century scientific thought that set the stage for the age
  • Indian astronomy at that time was taking much of its lead from cyclic hindu cosmology in which nature operted in cycles , setting the stage for searching for numerical patterns in the expected time frames for eclipses
  • Both agreements changed the world significantly . both agreements set the stage for increased contact . . . economic and otherwise . and both agreements also came after some considerable negotiation
    这两个协议都显著地改变了整个世界。两个协议都标志着逐步增加接触的开始. . .包括经济的,还有其它方面的。并且两个协议也都是在多次谈判之后才达成。
  • This often sets the stage for the degradation i mentioned earlier , as the chinese child back from abroad focuses on the unreal english taught in school - - to the detriment of his authentic oken english
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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