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  • And since consumer spending accounts for 57 % of japan ' s gdp , growth will remain puny until companies spread more of their profits around
    由于消费者支出占日本gdp的57 % ,增长的道路仍不平稳,除非公司大幅利润增长反映到了消费行为中。
  • And since consumer spending accounts for 57 % of japan ' s gdp , growth will remain puny until companies spread more of their profits around
    有鉴于消费支出占了日本gdp的57 % ,除非企业能拿出更多的财富与社会分享,否则经济增长仍将保持疲弱。
  • According to mckinsey ' s leo puri , india ' s financial system is “ healthier but punier ” than china ' s , and is “ the one sector that could hold india back ”
  • The rugged forest is crowded with large fir trees and tall lodgepole pines , but they all look like puny twigs compared to the giant sequoia
  • What form death may come in then does not matter , for the content is always the same - - our puny , painful life is ours only for a limited time before we inevitably must lose it
  • Looking at these skyscrapers and these lighted windows in a row at night , one gets more and more conceited about the power of human civilization and forgets what puny little creatures human beings are
  • Cls21 - i metallized polypropylene capacitors have low dissipation factor , stable capacitance , puny thermoguotiety . they can steadily work on logic control circuits & integral circuits and phase etc of instruments
  • The scientists who attend that conference will no doubt commiserate about the inherent difficulty of engineering a relatively puny stretch of dna to work reliably within a cell that is constantly changing
  • Cls21 - ii metallized polypropylene capacitors have low dissipation factor , stable capacitance , puny thermoguotiety . they can steadily work on logic control circuits & integral circuits and phase etc of instruments
  • Therefore , compared with criminal offenders , there are throngs of punier people in our society , if we want to turn the special . previous protection for them into reality , the breakthrough in mens rea principle should be admitted
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