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  • At the halloween celebration in october 1999 at the los angeles center in california , i was fortunate enough to stand near master . i said to her , " master , after reading a book on nostradamus several times and after meditation sessions in groups and by myself , i know for sure that you are the maitreya buddha .
  • Does a vegetarian diet reduce one s strength as is commonly believed by people around the world ? well nostradamus , the great french prophet of the sixteenth century , foretold in his book , " centuries , " that a deep - rooted aspect of human lifestyle will be shattered and that vegetarianism will gradually become the common practice in the new era
  • In another section of the book , the author related nostradamus prediction to shakyamuni buddha s , saying : " the next great world teacher , who is given the name maitreya meaning friend , will appear around the year a . d . 2000 and will restore momentum and power to all those seeking after truth .
    在这本书的另一章节中,作者将诺氏的预言和释迦牟尼佛的说法比较,作者写道:下一位伟大的明师将于公元两千年前后出现,帮助寻找真理的人们重获力量, ?的名字是弥勒佛,是朋友的意思。
  • No matter how brilliant we are , we can t use the mind to analyze , interpret , or discuss them . one morning during group meditation , however , suddenly the disclosures of nostradamus on eastern philosophy and religion , the beauty of the moon , the grace of meditation , the symbols of the mystic traditions of the east and west , and the glory of an enlightened being all appeared to my intuition . i was entering a wonderful world filled with light
    一天早晨在共修时,忽然间,诺氏对东方哲学和宗教的提示月亮的美丽打坐的功德东方和西方神秘传统的特号一位开悟众生的荣耀,这些都出现在我的直觉中,我进入了一充满光亮的奇妙世界,先知诺氏的一句预言诗先知姓氏的后半截c2q28非常清楚生动地回响在我的耳边,忽然间, suma这个名称发出亮光持续出现在我的眼前,有一股无形的柔和力量催促我提前结束打坐,回家查看那本有关诺氏的书。
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