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  • It had taken two days at sea , in fact , before kara had come to realize that he truly needed this voyage as much as she did
  • My entire family was tested to see if anyone was a match , but kara and i both had a gut feeling that she would be the one
  • The successful development of this technology makes it possible to roll out high - fidelity kara ok systems and good quality music education systems
  • Kara belonged to relatively primitive sect . leymus hochst . , with bigger endosperm cells than those of l . multicaulis ( kar
    了了js具有较大的胚乳细胞,其长宽比也较大;属于较进化的seot . anjs勿妙了u厉( griseb . ) tzvel .的多枝赖草乙
  • When kara thrace escapes a barren moon in a captured cylon raider , how does she tell the galactica that she ' s a friend , not a foe
  • The murky creature made a sound unlike any kara would have expected from one of his kind , a sound that she recognized instantly as a sign of consternation
  • Kara had a chance to catch him after all , provided that neither the revenants nor the demonic forces she had witnessed in kalkos ' s death time had not caught up with the murderer already
  • During their adventures on caprica after the cylon attack , karl agathon , kara thrace and sam anders ( among others ) all give themselves periodic injections of what medication
  • Winners share their joy with their teachers : ( back row ) professor kara chan ( left ) , ms . gladys lam , ( fourth from left ) , professor chen ling ( centre ) and professor ringo ma ( fourth from right )
    得奖同学与系内老师分享喜悦:陈家华教授(后排左一) 、林慧玲女士(后排左四) 、陈凌教授(后排中) 、马成龙教授(后排右四) 。
  • 3 . the correlations are significant between sea - ice area index of kara barents and greenland seas , which locate on the north of the continent of europe and asian , and spring sand - storm ' s occurrence times in ningxia
    3 、宁夏春季沙尘暴发生次数与欧亚大陆北部的喀拉海、巴伦支海、格陵兰海冰面积指数之间有显著的相关关系。
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