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  • The onset of tuberculous meningitis is usually characterized by sub - acute headache , vomiting , fever , and bursts of irritability
  • Palpitations , increase respiratory rate , fever , high blood pressure and sweating . emotional instability , nervousness , agitation , panic and irritability
  • Observe your baby for any unusual effects , e . g . restlessness , irritability , longer & deeper sleep periods , diarrhoea , rash , etc
  • Has a fever and unexplained irritability , such as marked crying when you change your baby ' s diapers or when he or she is moved
  • “ tfp not only helped reduced suicidal behaviors , but also seemed particularly helpful in reducing irritability and angry behaviors
    移情焦点治疗( tfp )不仅有助于减少自杀行为,而且对减少兴奋性和愤怒行为似乎也特别有用。
  • The researchers conducted a reiew of the files of nine children who had been treated with gabapentin for recurrent disruptie irritability
  • Manic - depression , which affects about 2 . 3 million american adults , involves episodes of depression and mania , states of abnormally high mood or irritability
    本文来自news . jewelove . net目前美国有230万成年人饱受躁郁症之苦。
  • Her melancholy was , however , beginning to pass into irritability , and not long before the end of boriss leave she adopted a decisive plan of action
  • Every face from denisov down to the bugler showed about the lips and chin the same lines of conflict and nervous irritability and excitement
  • Made clear allergic constitution to cannot be hit , if have irritability rhinitis , what consequence or side effect does the meeting after was being hit produce
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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