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fall across

"fall across"的翻译和解释


  • But it was not until the next day , when interest rates in the inter - bank market fell across the board and the hang seng index rose nearly 600 points to close at well above 8000 , that my colleagues and i at the hkma were able to breathe a sigh of relief
    不过,我和金管局的同事要待翌日,看到银行同业市场拆息普遍下调,恒生指数升近600点,穿越8 , 000点收市时,才能够真正如释重负,放下心头大石。现今事隔一年,所有的事情好像都已成历史。
  • Called to contemplate the love of god made incarnate in jesus , we are confronted by the mysteries of life and death . if our hearts are sensitive enough , we must see the shadow of the cross falling across the manger , just as death marks our own lives on earth . yet , this does not leave us without hope
    如果心灵敏感,我们必能见到,十字架的阴影,笼罩著小马槽,正如死亡刻画著人生,但不能使我们绝望,对天主失望,因为死亡导向复活,正如爱情导向圣诞:爱情猛如死亡歌8 : 6 。
  • This is a serious problem . it is not only the money problem , but it is also the moral quality , it shows that your moral quality is high or low . i believe that most of us fall across those things . when those things happened to you , for a example , you leaped at those advantages , but your heart was crying out to you : " do not take the thing that do not belong to you " . if you said to yourself : " i have a good fortune " , so you should spend lots of time to reflect on your own thoughts
    这是个很严重的问题.它不仅仅是钱的问题,它是一个人品的问题,它反应了一个人品格的高尚与否.我相信我们中的很多人都遇到过这种事情.当这样的事情发生在你的身上的时候,假如,你欣然接受了那些好处,但是你的内心时常在呼换你: "不属于自己的东西不能要" ,如果,你对自己说: "今天运气不错" ,那么你就得该好好的反思一下了
  • The communicative approach , when applied to college english teaching , has fallen across many problems , namely , emphasizing the cultivation of communication capacities but neglecting the imparting of grammar knowledge , emphasizing fluency but neglecting correctness , emphasizing the cultivation of listening and speaking but neglecting the training of reading and writing , and emphasizing letter capacities but neglecting the cultivation of cultural communication capacities
  • The report , comparative statistics for the uk , european and us biotechnology sectors - analysis year 2003 , found a general fall across europe in biotech business activity due to widespread wave of restructuring . but the uk remains the most attractive for investment . the uk remains the biggest contributor to the sector ; with the highest
    这份题为《 2003年英国、欧洲及美国生物工程领域对比统计报告》的报告显示,尽管由于正在进行普遍的结构调整,在整个欧洲范围内生物技术行业呈现整体下滑的趋势,但是,英国在这一领域还是进行了相当可观的投资。
  • The uk biotechnology sector continues to lead the way in europe , concludes a report published by science minister lord sainsbury . the report , comparative statistics for the uk , european and us biotechnology sectors - analysis year 2003 , found a general fall across europe in biotech business activity due to widespread wave of restructuring
    这份题为《 2003年英国、欧洲及美国生物工程领域对比统计报告》的报告显示,尽管由于正在进行普遍的结构调整,在整个欧洲范围内生物技术行业呈现整体下滑的趋势,但是,英国在这一领域还是进行了相当可观的投资。
  • But under the increasing competition background of the medical industry , tonghua medical industry begins to enter into the important period of transition in which the competing power of the market should be enhanced quickly . the conflicts that the degree of concentration of this industry is not high and the scale effect is unconspicuous appear step by step , and many enterprises for pharmacy fall across questions of lack in developmental stamina
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