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  • Some of the areas that can require special attention are interprocess communication , packaging , intersystem communication client - server between aix and linux or solaris and linux , persistent storage because of endian - ness , data - exchange formats , and so on
    需要特别注意的方面包括进程间通信、打包、系统间通信( aix与linux ,或者solaris与linux之间的客户机-服务器) 、一致存储(出于字节次序的因素) 、数据变换格式,等等。
  • We get rid of all of the problems of exchanging data between differing systems , and we don t need to worry about the endian - ness the order of bits in a byte of the processor , or how to convert the information we are sending into a neutral format because the web service standards take care of that
    我们摆脱了不同系统间数据交换的所有问题,并且不需要担心处理器字节中的位次序( endian - ness ) ,也不需要将我们传递的信息转换成中性格式,因为web服务的标准已经替我们做了这些事情。
  • My work include : ( 1 ) analyze the architecture of dicom application entity and working mechanism and implement the model of dicom network communication based on tcp / ip . complete the communication between 3 kinds transfer syntax : implicit vr little endian , explicit vr little endian , explicit vr big endian
    主要的工作包括: ( 1 )分析dicom应用实体结构以及运行机制,实现了基于tcp / ip协议的dicom网络通讯模型,完成了具有隐式表示低字节优先字节顺序、显示表示低字节优先字节顺序以及显示表示高字节优先字节顺序三种传输语法的服务对象对的传输。
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