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december 27

"december 27"的翻译和解释


  • Enquiries revealed that the company had placed advertisements on newspapers in early december 2004 for selling 20 cars at a very low price and called on people to send in their applications with cheques attached for a ballot to be held on december 27
  • As albert einstein said , " it is my view that the vegetarian manner of living , by its purely physical effect on the human temperament , would most beneficially influence the lot of mankind " letter to " vegetarian watch - tower " , december 27 , 1930
  • So , another small vegetarian promotional activity was held at the youngdong center on december 27 . despite the small number of guests , we prepared several delicious vegetarian dishes , played master s video , and gave them sample booklets and vegetarian pamphlets
  • The practitioners promptly launched a relief operation by purchasing relief materials including bottled water , milk , rice , cooked meal packets , medical supplies , new clothing and other items . on the evening of december 27 , the association delivered the supplies to lokseumawe city
    12月26日下午,棉兰与雅加达同修由新闻得知海啸重创亚地区后,即著手采购瓶装矿泉水牛奶米便当药品全新衣物等物资, 27日连夜运送到罗斯马威市lhokseumawe 。
  • On december 27 to 28 , 2003 , approximately two hundred fellow initiates , including children , from canada and the states of new jersey , new york , pennsylvania , massachusetts and virginia gathered for a retreat at the new jersey center to celebrate a real christmas for the first time
  • The costa rica center received masters 2003 christmas message with joy and love , and everyone felt extremely elated at the news of humankinds spiritual elevation . so a holiday retreat was held on december 27 followed by a gala event on the 28th attended by fellow practitioners , their families and friends
  • Mr . hardi li , a 43 - year - old chinese native raised in medan and an insurance worker , is also a member of the indonesia branch of the spiritual group known as the supreme master ching hai international association . mr . li said that on december 27 , a day after the tsunami , the association delivered around five tons of relief materials , including food , clothing and medical supplies to lhokseumawe , located between medan and aceh . mr . li and several volunteer workers immediately rushed to the scene to transport the supplies to the affected areas by truck
    四十三岁的华人李健,在棉兰长大,在当地从事保险业,也是灵修团体清海无上师世界会印尼分会的成员,他表示,在发生地震海啸翌日12月27日,他们的世界会将五吨物资,包括食物衣物和药物,运到棉兰与亚省之间的lhokseumawe ,他和几名义工立即将物资用卡车送入灾区。
  • Upon receiving instructions from master on christmas eve , a quan yin messenger immediately called professor sotomayor , trying to contact mr . jose ilmer garcia t . , the person in charge of finafes . on december 27 , some fellow initiates personally presented the us 5 , 000 contribution to mr . garcia on behalf of master , expressing her love and care for the children , and wishing a merry christmas and a beautiful new year to both the working staff of finafes and its children
    当观音使者于12月24日圣诞夜收到指示之后,立即透过吉米教授想办法与信望与喜乐儿童基金会的负责人荷西先生jose ilmer garcia t .联络,并于12月27日代表师父将美金5 , 000元当面交给荷西先生,转达师父对孩子们的关爱之情,并祝福基金会的工作人员和孩子们都有快乐的圣诞节和美好的新年。
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