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dark lord

"dark lord"的翻译和解释


  • In conclusion , harry potter has quite a large task in front of him , though finally , for the first time in nearly 30 years , someone is on the right track to vanquish the dark lord
  • For episode iii , the costume department was tasked with recreating the vader armor to fit hayden christensen for his transformation into the iconic dark lord
    拍摄《星球大战iii 》时,服装部门的任务是再创造维德的盔甲,使海登?克里斯滕森穿起来合身,完成他向黑暗君主的传统形象的转化。
  • " you think he is mistaken ? or that i have somehow hoodwinked him ? fooled the dark lord , the greatest wizard , the most accomplished legilimens the world has ever seen ?
    “你认为他弄错了?或者我竟然骗过了他?竟然捉弄了黑魔王? ?人类有史以来最伟大的巫师,世界上最有成就的摄神取念高手? ”
  • Voldemort therefore learned of crouch jr . and his loyalty to the dark lord , so he created an elaborate plan to circumvent dumbledore ' s powerful protections of harry potter
  • The dark lord had used powerful magic to break the memory charm on bertha and thereby discovered the plans for the triwizard tournament and the fact that his faithful servant barty crouch jr . was still alive
  • The dark lord had used powerful magic to break the memory charm on bertha and thereby discovered the plans for the triwizard tournament and the fact that his faithful servant barty crouch jr . was still alive
  • I should remind you that when potter first arrived at hogwarts there were still many stories circulating about him , rumors that he himself was a great dark wizard , which was how he had survived the dark lord ' s attack
  • He was a dark lord of the sith , so powerful and wise he could use the force to influence the midi - chlorians to creat life . he had such knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying
  • He is constantly aware that his great unchosen antagonist , voldemort - the dark lord , the most evil of wizards and , after dumbledore , the most powerful - offers temptations to which he cannot simply assume that he is immune
    他不断地意识到在他无可选择的强大敌手伏地魔? ?那个黑魔头,最邪恶、法力仅次于邓布利多的巫师? ?所提供的诱惑面前,他无法轻易假定自己可以抵抗诱惑。
  • I cand imagine de ' s dropping like flies from the horrors of the dementors , until the dark lord himself is attacked and ultimately kissed , his last bit of soul sucked from his mangle body as harry instructs the patronus army to chase away the dementors once and for all
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