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couch potato

"couch potato"的翻译和解释


  • For example , someone who likes to spend a lot of time sitting or lying down while watching television , is sometimes called a couch potato
  • Rules for the couch potato honor as stipulated by guinness allow for a 5 - minute break every hour and a 15 - minute break every 8 hours
  • “ i can ' t be a couch potato when i have examinations to think about , ” mildred said , “ i must turn the television off and study
    “一想到考试,我就不能做‘沙发马铃薯’了, ”米尔丽德说, “我必须关掉电视机而去学习! ”
  • Sally : come on ! you need this . you ' ve been sitting at home like a couch potato ever since you broke up with your girlfriend . you need to get back out there
  • First they must make the circuitry and software simple and reliable enough that couch potatoes can control them from a handheld remote while half - asleep
  • Couch potato … more kids are living on fast food diets children are getting so fat they may be the first generation to die before their parents , an expert claimed yesterday
  • This union is somewhat dull in other areas of life . you will have a tendency to grow fat together . visualize two couch potatoes eating in front of the television
  • Mouse potatoes joined couch potatoes , google officially became a verb and drama queens finally found the limelight when they crossed over from popular culture to mainstream english language
    网虫跟couch potato电视虫走到一起google正式成为一个动词drama queen小题大做大惊小怪的人终于得到关注。
  • Its more comfortable to be a noble being , to be a wiser being , than just always being ignorant , sluggish , slow , lazy and a couch potato just lying there and waiting for things to happen
  • Monday , jan . 28 ( healthday news ) - - people who are physically active in their free time may be biologically younger than couch potatoes , a new british study suggests
    星期一, 1月28日(健康日新闻) ? ?英国一项最新研究表明,和沙发土豆(指成日坐在沙发上看电视不爱运动的人? ?译者注)相比,那些在业余时间积极运动的人更显年轻。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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