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chinese artists

"chinese artists"的翻译和解释


  • At a beijing auction in november a painting by liu xiaodong , one of the so - called cynical realists , sold for $ 2 . 7m , the highest price ever paid for work by a contemporary chinese artist
  • During the festival , audience will be able to see chinese movies , performances by chinese artists , as well as an array of painting , national costumes , musical instruments and modern chinese arts exhibitions
  • This different structure leads to the curious situation where chinese artists are often quite happy to have their music pirated over the internet ( something that most western artists particularly detest )
    这一不同的模式导致出现了奇特的现象? ?中国的艺人们常常非常乐于让其音乐在互联网上被进行翻盗(而大多数西方艺人是特别憎恶这个的) 。
  • Currently he is secretary - general of qinghai calligrapher ' s association , curator of qinghai art gallery , member of qinghai literature federation , director of chinese calligrapher ' s association and member of chinese artists association
  • Currently he is director of chinese calligrapher ' s association , member of ths producing and evaluating committee of chinese calligrapher ' s association , vice - chairman of gansu calligrapher ' s association and member of chinese artists association
  • Mr lam tung - pang was the first chinese artist to win the prestigious hunting art prizes young artist of the year award in the uk in 2005 . this prize was established in the uk 25 years ago
    林东鹏先生于2005年在亨町艺术家奖hunting art prize比赛中获全年最佳年青艺术家奖young artist of the year ,为该奖项设立二十五年来首名获奖的华人艺术家。
  • " it was very uncommon for a chinese immigrant ' s son to pursue a career in art , " he said . " i think that helped when i was chosen for this project . there are very few chinese artists in my generation .
    他说: “作为一名中国移民的儿子,能够从事艺术事业是多么难得,我想正是由于这个原因我才有幸被选为十二生肖系列邮票的设计者,我这一代人中的中国艺术家太少了。 ”
  • Students & professor & president of design and arts college of beijing institute of technology ; executive director of china industrial design association ; committeeman of industrial design committee of ministry of education ; committeeman of industrial design committee of association of chinese artist
  • Through exhibitions , media cooperation , museum consulting and other methods , we look to promote young chinese artists internationally and on the mainland , keeping in mind contemporary chinese - pop cartoon generation doesn ' t always mean cute
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