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bear up

"bear up"的翻译和解释


  • Days after the end of her four - year affair , she popped into her fashion office only to be pestered by well - meaning colleagues anxious to know how she was bearing up
  • In december 2004 , children were invited to submit designs for a set of stamps entitled " children stamps - dress bear up " and the winning designs will be issued on 30 march
  • 1 pet . 2 : 24 who himself bore up our sins in his body on the tree , in order that we , having died to sins , might live to righteousness ; by whose bruise you were healed
  • Whether you wanted to or not , you have hurt me so much since your return that i should not now be able to stand a quarter of the emotions which i have borne up to this morning
  • As creativity takes time to nurture , we therefore organise the " 2006 children stamps design competition - dress bear up " to encourage the younger generation to unleash their creativity
    创意的培训并非一朝一夕的事,为此我们特别举办2006年儿童邮票设计比赛“小熊穿新衣” ,藉此鼓励年青一代发挥他们的创意。
  • No matter how they treat thee unfairly , put a slight on thee , criticize your work and grudge your success even impair your efficiency , we should bear up well against all these unexpected blows and never take it to heart
  • And mine , two hundred : but though they jump not on a just account , ? as in these cases , where the aim reports , ' tis oft with difference ? yet do they all confirm a turkish fleet , and bearing up to cyprus
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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