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bald head

"bald head"的翻译和解释


  • The countess , too , while mindful of her duties as hostess , cast significant glances from behind the pineapples at her husband , whose face and bald head struck her as looking particularly red against his grey hair
  • The only thing that stops elliot from putting a bullet through his middle - aged balding head is coming to work everyday there he can be more productive in his ergonomically designed office chair and feel like a real player
  • What am i to say to him ? prince andrey wondered , looking at the old mans bald head shining in the sun , and reading in his face the consciousness that he knew himself the untimeliness of those questions , and asked them only to stifle his own grief
  • But although alpatitch , shocked at his own insolence in dodging the blow , went closer to the prince , with his bald head bent humbly before him , or perhaps just because of this , the prince did not lift the stick again , and still shouting , blackguards
    阿尔帕特奇竟敢躲避向他打来的一棍,大吃一惊,他向公爵近旁走去,服服帖帖地低下他的秃头,也许正因为这一点,公爵才继续叫喊: “骗子手!
  • He sat down in the gig , giving the counting - house clerk his last directions about the work to be done in the fields ; and then dropping his imitation of the prince , alpatitch took his hat off his bald head and crossed himself three times
  • Mr singhania , recognisable by his flamboyant moustache and bald head , is known as a daredevil aviator . in 1988 he made news by flying solo in a microlight for 5 , 420 miles 8 , 722km from london to ahmedabad , in western india , in 22 days . he smashed the previous record by 12 days
  • One of these fellows was about seventy or upwards , and had a bald head and very gray whiskers . he had an old battered - up slouch hat on , and a greasy blue woollen shirt , and ragged old blue jeans britches stuffed into his boot - tops , and home - knit galluses - no , he only had one
  • She could not see , she could only see something large , bright - coloured , and handsome moving towards her , as she entered the room . prince vassily approached her first ; and she kissed his bald head , as he bent over to kiss her hand , and in reply to his words said , that on the contrary , she remembered him very well
  • She replied , that he may have mercy upon him , and allow his noble soul to leave this yes , quite so , prince vassily continued impatiently , rubbing his bald head and again wrathfully moving the table towards him that he had just moved away , but in fact in fact the point is , as you are yourself aware , that last winter the count made a will by which , passing over his direct heirs and us , he bequeathed all his property to pierre
    “对,是这样的, ”瓦西里公爵心情急躁地继续说下去,一面用手搓着秃头,愤愤地把推开的茶几移到身边来, “可是,到头来,到头来,问题就在于,你自己知道,去冬伯爵写了遗嘱,把他的全部产业留给皮埃尔,我们这些直系继承人都没有份了。 ”
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