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  • This article traces how the modern chinese " nation " was constructed as an " imagined community " around huang - ti ( the yellow emperor ) in late qing
  • In time , jade became a symbolic stone and continues to be used in sculpted ornaments and religious symbols . it is valued for its beauty as much today as it was in those early times
  • Imperial jade comes from burma , guatemala and russia . jade is the mystical birthstone for march and the celebration stone for the third , twelfth , and thirtieth anniversaries . the legend
  • Objective : to find out some evidence that may indicate the theory of voice pitch of the five tones being correlated with the five zang viscera in huangdi neijing , which was lost 2000 years
    摘要目的: 《黄帝内经》中有关于“五脏相音,可以意识”的记载,对针灸取穴则有“病变于音者,取之经”的论述。
  • The legendary yellow emperor ( huangdi ) and the fire emperor ( shennong ) have mythical status since their existence is unproven . some historians place them between 2500 and 2700 bce
    传说中的黄帝和炎帝(神农) ,因其人物身份尚存疑议,带有一定的神话色彩。一些历史学家认为他们生活于公元前2500年至2700年间。
  • On the basis of articles concerning moxibustion in huangdi ' s internal classic , this paper discusses the origin , indications , clinical application , contraindications and techniques of moxibustion therapy
  • Another big progress made by simaqian is that he would n ' t distinguish the people of huaxia . from those of minorities , and treated them all equally . he even thought that all the people were the des
  • It analyzes the formation and development of the pedigree of the yellow emperor in a specific way , holding that the centralized pedigree is defeated by the ancient history parties , but it is used as the pedigree of the clan and still contains its rationality
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