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  • The proliferation of photographic images over the past century - - many of which have achieved a more iconic status than any painting ( which is more telling : a movie still of a napalmed girl in vietnam or picasso ' s guernia
    在过去的一个世纪中,摄影肖像数量剧增,发展迅猛? ?许多摄影肖像已达到令人顶礼膜拜的地步,绘画作品只能自惭形秽(试想,哪一种媒介艺术效果更强烈:是一幅被凝固汽油弹炸伤的越南女孩的影片定格画面,还是毕加索的壁画《格尔尼卡》
  • The dog usually sat at the door or walked around there . every time he saw master come out of her abode , he would immediately lie down on his stomach , as though he were respectfully saluting and bowing to her . but when he saw her attendants , he did not act in the same way
  • Ran , a woman with a stern , forbidding eye , though still noble and distinguished in appearance , despite her fifty years - " ah , these revolutionists , who have driven us from those very possessions they afterwards purchased for a mere trifle during the reign of terror , would be compelled to own , were they here , that all true devotion was on our side , since we were content to follow the fortunes of a falling monarch , while they , on the contrary , made their fortune by worshipping the rising sun ; yes , yes , they could not help admitting that the king , for whom we sacrificed rank , wealth , and station was truly our louis the well - beloved , while their wretched usurper his been , and ever will be , to them their evil genius , their napoleon the accursed
    圣梅朗侯爵夫人有着一对严厉而令人憎恶的眼睛,虽然是已有五十岁了但看上去仍有贵族气派,她说: “那些革命党人,他们不仅赶走我们,还抢走我们的财产,到后来在恐怖时期却只卖了一点点钱。他们如果在这儿,就不得不承认,真正的信仰还是站在我们这一边的,因为我们自愿追随一个没落的王朝的命运,而他们却恰恰相反,他们只知道对一个初升的朝阳顶礼膜拜,是的,是的,我们不得不承认:我们为之牺牲了官位财富的这位国王,才真正是我们万民爱戴的路易,而他们那个篡权夺位者却永远只是个被人诅咒的该死的拿破仑。
  • According to the israeli " jerusalem post " on december 1 , 2003 , the " bible " recorded in the birthplace of jesus christ in bethlehem , as a new born baby face , the mysterious birth mark , causing the local population legendary tale , the magic of a small boy time attracting tens of thousands of palestinians look at the former 000 lives , or even to know the things the little guys pay homage
    据以色列《耶路撒冷邮报》 2003年12月1日报道,在《圣经》记载的基督诞生地伯利恒,因为一名新生男婴脸上出现神秘的胎记,引发了当地民众传奇般的传说,这个神奇的小男婴一时间吸引了数以万计的巴勒斯坦人前去看个稀奇,甚至还对这个不谙世事的小家伙顶礼膜拜
  • They became aware that the late 18th - century cult of sensibility , which had championed untrammelled emotion as the fount of altruism , could easily spill over into self - indulgent histrionics ; the sincerity they valued as the highest good could drift into self - deception and selfishness
    他们开始认识到, 18世纪后期对敏感顶礼膜拜,将未驾驭的情感视为利他主义之源泉,却往往过于汹涌而沦为个人放纵的表演;而真诚- - - -曾被视为世间最美好品质- - - -却滑向了自欺欺人和自私的泥潭。
  • The scientific doctrine is the alienation that the science formed after making the authority in the whole modern culture , and people are satisfied with the ready - made scientific conclusion , and pay homage to it . science is only regarded as the passive tool , but the goal not finding scientific oneself inherent and growth strength
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