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  • The 19 - year - old , who featured several times for betis ' first team last season , has been told by coach javier irureta that he is not part of his plans
  • Ms . freitas says the company sees the program not only as a good employee motivator but also as helping serve one of its core missions - - sustaining our planet
  • On march 11 , 2005 , residents of queretaro , mexico enjoyed a public video seminar on the method that leads sentient beings to their true home at the citys state cultural center
  • Scottish division one leaders gretna did not know what had hit them as owen , launched back into action alongside fellow crock shola ameobi , showed just why he is one of the hottest properties around ? when fit
  • Coretta scott king , who worked to keep her husband ' s dream alive with a chin - held - high grace and serenity that made her a powerful symbol of the rev . martin luther king jr . ' s creed of brotherhood and nonviolence , died tuesday
  • To take one recent example , jerry hausman of the massachusetts institute of technology and ephraim leibtag of the united states department of agriculture , show ? that wal - mart ' s move into the grocery business has lowered food prices
  • Coretta scott king was a supportive lieutenant to her husband during the most dangerous and tumultuous days of the civil rights movement , and after his assassination in memphis , tenn . , on april 4 , 1968 , she carried on his work while also raising their four children
    在美国黑人民权运动时代,她是丈夫最坚定的支持者。 1968年4月4日,马丁路德金在孟菲斯遭暗杀,科雷塔继承丈夫遗志,继续为黑人争取平等权利而斗争。
  • Coretta scott king , who worked to keep her husband ' s dream alive with a chin - held - high grace and serenity that made her a powerful symbol of the rev . martin luther king jr . ' s creed of brotherhood and nonviolence , died tuesday . she was 78 . the " first lady of the civil rights movement " died in her sleep during the night at an alternative medicine clinic in mexico , her family said
    对于科雷塔斯科特金的去世,马丁路德金中心降半旗致哀美国一些民众为了表示哀悼,也纷纷在马丁路德金墓前敬献了鲜花美国总统布什则称赞她是“一位杰出勇敢的女性,是伟大的民权领导者” 。
  • Section two ( chapter 2 to 3 ) deals with not only the regional architecture ' s forming and development but also it ' s characters , it ' s connections with regional culture and ecological culture , and the meaning of the esthetics of the regional architecture , etc . chapter 4 discusses deeply the practice of the regional architecture of contemporary architects : ricardo legorreta , antoine predock , wiel arets . emphasizes the knowing of the characters of the regional architecture , at the same time , their practices give a suggestion to the development of the regional architecture in the future
    第二部分(第二章至第四章) ,论述了地域性建筑的形成与发展,着重论述了地域性建筑的特质,地域性建筑与地域文化、生态文化的关系及其美学含义;并分别对当代著名的地域性建筑师里卡多?里哥雷塔、安东尼?普雷多克、威尔?艾里兹的建筑实践活动进行了深入的探讨,以便进一步加深对地域性建筑特质的认识,指出了他们的实践活动为今后地域性建筑发展所提供的借鉴意义。
  • Prior to the seminar fellow initiates from mexico city and texcoco helped local convenient method practitioners put up masters posters , distribute thousands of fliers and publicize the event on several radio stations . the activity was also promoted on tv , and when the initiates approached the manager of the local tv station his response was remarkably supportive
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