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  • Because along with the liberalization of china ’ s capital account , once the economic developing speed slows down , capital account and current account ’ s surpluses reverse to deficits , the appreciation expect of renminbi will be changed . at the same time , the high quota savings in china ’ s banks will also bring us inflation pressure , inapparent currency substitution may be turn into visible currency substitution . also , the great deal of currency substitution inclining may convert into real currency substitution because of the vulnerable financial system
  • At the same time , it effectively improves the responsibility , quality and science - study spirit of the teachers " . what more , it changes the teachers " role in teaching process the problem - based and bi - teaching concerned in this article not only has an active effect on the environment education , but also has good effects on the elementary education
    本文提出的“问题为本” 、 “互动教学” 、 “情景强化” ,不仅对开展环境教育起到积极的作用,而且对基础教育改革也产生有益的影响,它所起到的或显性或隐性的作用,是以往的“选修课、活动课”所不能比拟的。
  • Moreover , we ' d like to study the blow - up speed of solution , since there are many results about blow - up speed obtained in elliptic equations , hyperbolic equations but not in schrodinger equations . i ' ve looked through the latest 3 years " " chinese mathematical digest " and " mathematics review " and found there ' s no paper which is mostly concerned at the study of blow - up speed of nls although in some references there are some related results implied in them
    另外,就是想研究解的爆破速度,因为关于解的爆破速度这方面的内容在抛物型方程、双曲型方程等中都有讨论,但笔者查阅了近三年的《中国数学文摘》和《 mathematicsreview 》没有发现以具体研究nls爆破速度为核心的文章,尽管在其它一些文献中有一些隐性的结论,所以这是一个较好的课题。
  • Among direct factors are cost price , quality , brand , otherness . indirect factors are introverted and hidden in the market , which put impact on competitiven ess by interacting with direct factors . indirect factors lies in sessions of agricultural products producing , storing and fresh - retaining , processing , and marketing
  • Class displays education power in the form of systematic combination in such aspects as training and fostering the students " thinking , morality , emotion and personality through " moral education fields " , hi classes , students first meet with manifest moral education
  • This thesis aims to analyze the attitudinal meaning of radio news report in voa and bbc using the appraisal system with a view to revealing what linguistic elements realizes the appraisal meaning and especially what attitudinal value is of frequent occurrence in the two different types of radio news report
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