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  • Pierre respected this class of masons , to which the elder brothers principally belongedin it pierre reckoned osip alexyevitchbut he did not share their interests . his heart wasnt in the mystic side of freemasonry
  • Gerasim , the yellow , beardless old man pierre had seen five years before at torzhok with osip alexyevitch , came out on hearing him knock . at home ? asked pierre . owing to present circumstances , sofya danilovna and her children have gone away into the country , your excellency
  • On the 7th of august , prince bagration , at his halting - place at mihalovka on the smolensk road , had written a letter to araktcheev . though the letter was addressed to araktcheev , he knew it would be read to the tsar , and therefore he weighed every word , so far as he was capable of doing so
  • In the letter , written to alexei suvorin , his publisher and friend , he explains that neither time nor money ? “ i never have any money anyway , ” he writes ? are impediments to his traveling from moscow , thousands of miles across russia , to the penal colony on sakhalin island
    在这封写给朋友兼出版人阿列克谢?苏沃林的信中,他说,时间和金钱都没有阻止他从莫斯科跋涉千里来到萨哈林岛的流放地他写道: “我始终身无分文。 ”
  • These words were the more remarkable as osip alexyevitch , in spite of his grievous physical sufferings , is never weary of life , though he loves death , for which he does not , in spite of all the purity and loftiness of his inner man , yet feel himself prepared
  • Firm as his belief was in the truths revealed to him by his benefactor , the old freemason , and happy as he had been at first in the task of perfecting his inner spiritual self , to which he had devoted himself with such ardour , yet after prince andreys engagement to natasha , and the death of osip alexyevitch , the news of which reached him almost simultaneously , the whole zest of his religious life seemed to have suddenly vanished
  • He felt inquisitive to know what was coming , what would be revealed to him ; but above everything , he felt joy that the moment had come when he would at last enter upon that path of regeneration and of an actively virtuous life , of which he had been dreaming ever since his meeting with osip alexyevitch . there came loud knocks at the door
  • One thing , and one thing only , pierre thoroughly understood in reading that book ; he understood what he had hitherto known nothing of , all the bliss of believing in the possibility of attaining perfection , and in the possibility of brotherly and active love between men , revealed to him by osip alexyevitch
  • Yet they sat as usual at tea in the drawing - room , and pierre answered the countesss quite superfluous questions , which were of no interest even to her , and told her that prince vassily was looking older , and that countess marya alexeyevna sent her kind regards and remembrances , etc
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