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  • I know some person , he can make rice bran into nutritious food and milk even . and we have talked last time about that . he said he spent about three hundred thousand dollars and he can feed six hundred thousand people in ceylon - the poor , the under - nourished , the mothers , and all that
  • Stephen seated himself noiselessly before the princely presence . framed around the walls images of vanished horses stood in homage , their meek heads poised in air : lord hastings repulse , the duke of westminster s shotover , the duke of beaufort s ceylon , prix de paris , 1866 . elfin riders sat them , watchful of a sign
    斯蒂芬一声不响地在亲王那幅仪表堂堂的肖像前面坐下来,周围墙上的那些镜框里,毕恭毕敬地站着而今已消逝了的一匹匹马的形象,它们那温顺的头在空中昂着:黑斯廷斯勋爵的“挫败” ,威斯敏斯特公爵的“跨越” ,波弗特公爵的“锡兰” ,一八六六年获巴黎奖63 。
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