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  • In the highway ' s heyday , route 66 streamed with dust bowl fugitives , world war ii supplies , hitchhiking gi ' s and post - war seekers of the california dream
  • Nasb : so that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for god to lie , we who have taken refuge would have strong encouragement to take hold of the hope set before us
  • The man and his family were not actually somalis but rotaractors participating in a refugee simulation at the 2006 rotaract preconvention meeting , which took place in malm ? , sweden , from 9 ? 10 june
    这名逃难的男子和他的家人们并非真正的?马?亚难民,而是?加6月9日至10日在马尔摩举?的2006 ?扶?青?服务团?会前会议中模拟难民的扶青团团员。
  • American evacuees from lebanon have arrived safely at the baltimore washington international airport . airport officials say the evacuees are getting help , contacting relatives and making further travel arrangements
  • Yet now they were bowing down before the child of poor people , and they soon came to realize that herod , the king they had consulted , intended to use his power to lay a trap for him , forcing the family to flee into exile
  • The events of the previous year : the burning of moscow and the flight from that city ; the death of prince andrey and natashas despair ; the death of petya and the grief of the countess fell like one blow after another on the old counts head
  • I have told you several times , for instance , about when some refugees were escaping on the sea , they vowed to the quan yin bodhisattva the goddess of mercy : " if we can reach a third country smoothly , we will definitely keep a vegetarian diet for two years .
  • The audience is treated to one extraordinary vision after another ; the sense of a world literally being destroyed around the principal actors , the sense of their flight through panic and destruction , the sense of concussion , collapse , rubble and ruin
    观众被世界大战中一幕接著一幕极具震撼的画面给慑服,整个世界在一瞬间遭毁灭于主要演员身边,他们一路逃难感受前所未有的恐慌,而外星人无情的破坏,让你我最熟悉的家园俨然只剩下一推瓦砾和废墟… 。
  • The hair and nails fell out ; pottery broke without apparent cause , and the birds turned white . . . . after a few hours all foodstuffs were infected . . . . to escape from this fire , the soldiers threw themselves in streams to wash themselves and their equipment . . . " it would seem that the mahabharata is describing an atomic war
    头发和指甲脱落,陶器在毫无原因之下破坏,乌儿变成了白色… …几个小时以后,所有食物都被感染… …为了从这场火灾中逃难,士兵投进河里,清洗着身体和装备… … 《摩诃婆罗多》看上去是在描写一场核战争!
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