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  • When we sent these items to the disaster area , ms . jinmei zhang , president of the hsindian women s association , received us and thanked us for our prompt and much needed help
  • Vandeuvres left the bedroom , smiling and without further pressing her , and the moment he was gone she had an access of melting tenderness , threw herself into daguenet s arms and cried out
  • Said mme hugon . " he was anxious to consult old doctor tavernier , who never goes out now , on the subject of his sick headaches . yes , you were not up , as he went off before seven o clock
    于贡太太连声说道, “他已决定去找塔韦尼埃老大夫看偏头痛,他已不出诊了是的,七点钟前他就动身了,那时你们还没有起床呢。
  • In the 5 - day retreat in korea , the brother initiate who met us at the airport apologized over and over again for what he claimed to be his mistake when we did not arrive on schedule . we should have been the ones to say , " i m sorry .
  • They were joined by pingtung and taipei initiates , who were western - style phisicians or naturopaths . the bunun children were the first to receive free medical service . then , they accepted their share of candies before having their hair shaved completely in the barber s area
  • Elizabeth was eager with her thanks and assurances of happiness . she had spent six weeks with great enjoyment ; and the pleasure of being with charlotte , and the kind attentions she had received , must make her feel the obliged . mr . collins was gratified ; and with a more smiling solemnity replied ,
  • Better ; and having no victuals to eat , took my gun , but found my self very weak ; however i kill d a she - goat , and with much difficulty got it home , and broil d some of it , and eat ; i wou d fain have stew d it , and made some broath , but had no pot
    在床上躺了一整天,不吃不喝。口里干得要命,但身子太虚弱,连爬起来弄点水喝的力气都没有。再一次祈祷上帝,但头昏昏沉沉的等头昏过去后,我又不知道该怎样祈祷,只是躺在床上,连声叫喊: "上帝,保佑我吧!
  • They can tell when the scriptures were written , by whom they were written , and the meanings therein . however , they do not genuinely understand because they have not had the divine experience . they have not had the experience of being an arhat , an eighth - grade bodhisattva , a tenth - grade bodhisattva , a buddha , or even the most elementary srota - apanna , sravaka , or pratyeka buddha
  • He further explained that years ago he went back to his home country , au lac , and visited his aunt and her husband , from whom he got to know about master for the first time . moreover , he found out that what made his aunt and uncle continue to live despite the great oppression and their poverty , was a cassette recording of one of master s lectures . although the cassette had poor sound quality due to frequent copying , they carefully transcribed each and every word from it , and read the transcription to him
  • Edy straightened up baby boardman to get ready to go and cissy tucked in the ball and the spades and buckets and it was high time too because the sandman was on his way for master boardman junior and cissy told him too that billy winks was coming and that baby was to go deedaw and baby looked just too ducky , laughing up out of his gleeful eyes , and cissy poked him like that out of fun in his wee fat tummy and baby , without as much as by your leave , sent up his compliments on to his brandnew dribbling bib
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