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  • In order to avoid the drawback of the traditional data reconciliation model , an improved model is proposed in this thesis . some new constraints for the ratio of measurement data are added to the new model , and the constraints of mass balance are transformed into soft constraints by using the method of penalty function
  • Insisting that lack location and soft restraint are the basic defects , which the people " s congress supervises to the administrative power . there are not reason and not very transparency that are the key cruxs of supervision by administrative organ oneself , lagging behind and lack of authoritiveness are main deficiencies of judicial administrative supervision
  • The owner can not exercise direct function but through layers of principal - agent , operators engaged in searching for agents to operate state - owned assets . because the property rights ownership of the state - owned assets is not clear , the principal - agent mechanism is more complexity to be operated effectively , and it is more difficult to supervise and operate the assets than private ownership . the author find that the defects of property rights ownership and principal - agent mechanism are the root cause leading to the loss of state - owned assets through analyzing the channels of the loss of state - owned assets
    首先,我国的国有资产所有权主体不明晰,国有经济所有权天然虚置,直接导致所有权对企业经营决策的软约束,造成国有资产使用效率不高,并存在大量化公为私、非法侵占国有资产的现象;其次,国有资产的委托代理机制不完善:国有资产的委托代理具有明显的行政性,而且委托? ?代理链过长,公司治理结构不完善,也缺乏健全的激励约束机制;第三,原有的“统一所有,分级管理”的国有资产管理体制存在突出弊端。
  • Through the review of theories about capital structures of foreign countries , the paper compares developed with developing countries in the capital structures and analyzes the character of chinese listed company . based on ample data , the proportion of equity financing is much more than that of credit financing in the capital structure of listed company . it indicates that listed company ' s choice of financing approach has an intensive predilection of equity financing , which is far from “ pecking order ” of financing approach in matured market . at the same time , the efficiency of equity finacing is not hight , so is debt finacing . the funds raised from equity finacing changes high frequency and lacks restrict , and the efficiency of debt finacing from bank is not hight because of “ soft restriction ” . despite the debenture has a preferable restrict , it grows lentitudily in china
  • After 1989 , the increase of demand slowed down and facing the complexion of low degree of industrial concentration of product market and financial strain of medi um and small - sized enterprises caused by the circulating trap of " credit squeeze - - - bad loan " , the advantageous enterprises " " wallow in money " , specifically , those listed companies that could finance from the stock market , began to take predatory pricing strategy in succession and tried to enlarge market share and obtain high return by squeezing medium and small - sized enterprises out of the market after 1998 , the vicious circle of deflation and " credit grudging " of banks in product and credit markets , overcapacity , the difficulty of retreating of loss - incurring enterprises in some industries from the market for institutional reasons and over - competition in some industries , led to the incessant decrease of enterprises " global income , persistent increase of rate of debts and constant rise of ratio of bad assets of banks , which further intensified the vicious circle of deflation and " credit grudging " of banks
    如在改革开放初期,在产品市场需求旺盛和信贷市场预算软约束的情况下,各类企业的最优决策就是采用高负债、高扩张的“负债的有限责任效应”策略来抢占市场并获得高回报; 1989年以后,需求增速开始放缓,面临产品市场产业集中度较低和信贷市场“信贷紧缩-不良贷款”循环陷阱导致的中小企业资金紧张的局面, “钱袋鼓鼓”的优势企业(尤其是那些可以通过股票市场融通资金的上市公司)纷纷采用掠夺性定价策略,试图通过把中小企业挤出市场来扩大市场份额并获得高收益; 1998年以后,产品市场和信贷市场形成了通货紧缩和银行“惜贷”恶性循环的状况。产品市场上部分行业生产能力严重过剩,且由于体制等原因导致亏损企业无法退出,因此这些行业中出现了过度竞争的现象,企业总体收益的不断下滑、负债率不断提高以及银行不良资产率的持续上升,又进一步加强了通货紧缩和银行“惜贷”的恶性循环。
  • It is deemed that local governments have the authority and various resources enough to foster the development of private businesses in the course of china ' s economic transformation because of the time - lag in governmental function changing and institution reforming , thus causing the soft restriction on the budgets of those businesses and indiscriminate overinvestment
  • Nevertheless , in the past , our financial management always focused on the income management , and on the other hand , in the aspect of the expenditure management , problems coursed by the old system such as disorder of budgets , weak restrictions and low efficiencies of the expenditure had not been submitted to the agenda of reform
  • Although in these years , all kind of reforms have been deepening , and financial market has been evolving , and the instruments of currency policy have been increasing , one point is that the demand of fund still is not sensitive to interest rate in our country because the reforms in national enterprise have not finished and soft restriction in budget still exists ; another point is that the commercial banks in our country have no right to decide the price of fund because of administration regulation of interest rate . due to the reasons mentioned above , the variation of interest rate has little influence to the liquidity management of commercial banks in our country
  • The dissertation endeavors to identify , probe and develop new theories and tools that will work in digital time in scm area by systematic studies . on the basal theories of scm and e - business , analyzes the difference of scm in environment of e - business with traditional environment , puts forward the method , principle and step of designing and constructing of supply chain in e - business , probes into the collaboration management of supply chain from two aspect , one is hard road , another is soft road
  • 4 . research the countermeasure of cancellation to the above barriers . through reform of system and property right , bank could change the soft restrain of loan ; perfecting stimulation system , make the bank pay attention to the self - interest more , and strengthen the motive of bank to get more information of enterprises ; developing business encircling manufacturing industry to promote efficiency of manufacturing industry , and at last , improving the property condition of the bank itself
    4 、研究探讨了消除上述障碍的主要对策,即通过体制改革和产权改革,改变贷款“软约束”的情况;完善银行的管理体制和激励机制,使银行更加关注自身利益,增强银行更多了解企业信息的动力;围绕制造业的发展开展相应的业务,促进制造业效率提升,最终通过制造业的有效发展改善自身的资产状况。
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