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  • The hype over " brokeback mountain " got us talking around the house about hollywood westerns , and specifically about john wayne
  • Each would direct one more feature , but the men who had killed off the western had pretty much written themselves out of a job
  • Heirs to a strong equestrian culture , afghanis were said by some visitors at the time to be particularly fond of the hard riding in american westerns
  • Although it wasn ' t the first spaghetti western , it was far and away the most successful , and shot former tv cowboy clint eastwood to stardom
    虽然它并不是第一部“通心粉西部片” ,但它无疑是最成功的一部,并使前电视牛仔克林特?伊斯特伍德一举成名。
  • It tries to give a comprehensive survey of the chinese westerns and discloses their relation with chinese ideology in the transformation period
  • Mangold is one the rare examples who got success in challenging of remaking a western . he reprised the classic western greatness with the vivid characterization and the well - paced storytelling
  • When nearby piston fans joined in and those farther off lobbed food and even a chair , a full - scale brawl erupted of the kind that one used to see in hollywood westerns
    当附近的活塞队球迷加入了争斗,远处的也把食品砸了过来? ? ?甚至还扔来一把椅子,一场全面的争斗爆发了,那是在好莱坞西部片中常常看到的场面。
  • In the 1840s , trappers with government backing push the yellow hands sioux off their sacred land ; they retreat into an apocalyptic spirituality , passively waiting for supernatural wrath to descend on their usurpers
    以虐待狂式的酷刑场面轰动一时的西部片《太阳盟》 ,在六年后推出续集,仍然由理查德哈里斯饰演男主角? ?英国贵族约翰摩根。
  • As america moves away from the period in which they are set , westerns do not have the massive popularity they once did , and people are nowadays able to watch them on dvd , reducing the need for new ones
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