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  • Even high oil prices did little to stop asia ' s gains . strong exports cushioned the effects of rising energy costs , and tighter monetary policy in most capitals helped stall inflation
  • ( 4 ) position level of administrative leader moderated the relation between the characteristics of administrative leader and accountability of administrative leader . additionally , process of accountability moderated the relation between accountability of administrative leader and performance
    在行政领导特征影响责任性的关系中,职位层次起到了缓冲作用,在行政领导责任性影响绩效的关系中,责任性过程起到了缓冲作用; 5
  • In a way , by virtue of the depth and diversity of its financial markets , the us has been fortunate that this has tended on balance to buffer economic instability rather than to exacerbate it witness the financial sectors response to the burst of the technology bubble and the terrorist attacks
  • The main viewpoints of this paper are as below : the system of raising funds and labors to the one discussion over each matter can not be hold as the main responsibility of rural public product supply , but just hold as a temporary policy and system , just meet emergency and take a buffer function . : abolish thoroughly agricultural tax and fee - collecting for one discussion over each matter ; decrease the burdens of chinese farmers , relief the pressure to rural area autonomous organization ; the government should take the main responsibility of rural public product supply . those all above are inner demand and trends of chinese rural development
    本文提出的主要观点: “一事一议”筹资筹劳难以承担农村公共物品供给的主体责任,只能作为一种过渡性政策和制度,起一些应急性或缓冲作用;彻底取消农业税和“一事一议”收费,给中国农民减轻负担,给中国村民自治组织减轻压力,政府责无旁贷地承担起农村公共物品供给主体的责任,是中国农村发展的一种内在要求和必然趋势。
  • It was basically just a matter of saying " lets see what happens to capital if non - performing loans increase to 20 percent to total loans . this type of crude stress test is quite helpful for a sense of how solid the systems capital buffer might be in certain adverse conditions , but it doesnt take into account second and third round effects in the economy at large
  • The seven technical measures in effect created a big buffer that made hong kong interest rates a lot less sensitive than before to capital flows without in any way compromising the important principle of a currency board system : that the monetary base must be fully backed by foreign reserves
  • First , in order for reserve requirements to work effectively as a flexible buffer , an averaging provision would be necessary to enable the requirements to be met on average over a specified maintenance period : this arrangement might well add to interest rate volatility under certain conditions by encouraging banks to over - or under - react to market movements that changed expectations about the overnight interest rate
  • Then , through questionnaires methods and spss13 . 0 . the article researches the quantitative relation between leader style , team quality and team incentive strategy , and the relation between team incentive strategy and achievement . it also attempt to research the intermediary effect of incentive strategy and the buffer role enterprise culture . finally , it gets the qualitative relation model
    运用问卷研究方法,通过spss13 . 0对领导风格、团队素质与团队激励策略的关系,团队激励策略与绩效关系进行了定量研究,并对激励策略的中介作用和企业文化的缓冲作用进行了尝试性的研究,得出了定量关系模型。
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