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  • Conclusions : in critically ill surgical patients , protein c concentrations were generally low , associated with organ dysfunction / failure , and independently associated with a higher risk of icu mortality
  • Conclusion active and effective first - aid on scene and early diagnosis and effective treatment in hospital are keys of increasing cura tive rate and decreasing death rate
    结果96例中死亡30例,占31 . 1 % ;完全康复参加工作31例,占32 . 3 % .结论开展积极有效的现场急救、早期诊断及院内救治是提高疗效、降低病死率的关键。
  • The keystone in reducing the mortality of fulminant hepatitis is to avoid the secondary impairment caused by immunopathology and enterogenous endotoxin and take active measures to prevent and treat all complications
  • The overall standardized mortality ratio - - between observed and expected deaths - - was 1 . 1 . however , this ratio varied from 0 . 7 to 1 . 4 . ulcerative colitis - related mortality accounted for 17 % of all deaths
    被观察者和期望值之间标准化后的总死亡率为1 . 1 。但是该比率在0 . 7到1 . 4之间波动。溃结相关的病死率占总死亡人数的17 % 。
  • However , this method , when applied before an outbreak is over , gives an overestimate because the average time from illness onset to death for sars is shorter than the average time from illness onset to recovery
  • Context because acute decompensated heart failure causes substantial morbidity and mortality , there is a need for agents that at least improve hemodynamics and relieve symptoms without adversely affecting survival
  • Boston , march 26 - - healthy women who took low - to - moderate doses of aspirin for at least five years had a reduced risk of death from any cause but especially cardiovascular disease , according to a large observational study
    波士顿, 3月26日? ?通过大样本的观察研究,发现服用至少五年,小到中等量的阿司匹林的健康女性能减少各种疾病,尤其是心血管疾病的病死率
  • On the basis of more detailed and complete data , and more reliable methods , who now estimates that the case fatality ratio of sars ranges from 0 % to 50 % depending on the age group affected , with an overall estimate of case fatality of 14 % to 15 %
    通过更详细和完全的数据以及更可靠的方法, who现在估计sars病死率的范围在0 %到50 %之间,随感染的年龄组变化,整体估计死亡率为14 %到15 % 。
  • Systole is pressed and pressing of arteries and veins is rate of cardiovascular ill die in one ' s bed and complication occurence rate is the most important forecast an element , in this age group , pressing of arteries and veins increases is the mainest factor that assesses risk , but it is accompanied almost always have systole period high blood pressure
  • According to the position of encephalorrhagia , the quantity of hematoma , and to ventricular hematocele and center - line structure shift ' s existence or unexistence , the occurrence rates and case mor - talities of hypertension encephalorrhagia complicated by hemorrhage of digestive tract ( hechdt ) are respectively made comparisons among 179 patients with hypertension encephalorrhagia . the results show that : 44 out of 179 cases are of hechdt , and 37 out of 179 cases are of death ; the occurrence rate of digestive tract hemorrhage resulted from the hemorrhage of cerebral basis segment complicated by ventricle hematocele is the highest , and the sequence of the occurrence rates resulted from other position is subarchnoid cavity , brainstem , cerebral lobes , cerebellum , and within cerebral basis segment ' s hemorrhage ; the encephalorrhagia complicated by the hemorrhage of digestive tract is mainly related to the factors of ventricular hematocele , center - line structure shift , hematoma quantity etc , and its case mortality is relatively high
    对179例高血压脑出血患者,按脑出血的部位、血肿量、有无脑室积血和中线结构移位,分别进行比较并发消化道出血的发生率和病死率.结果表明: 179例中并发消化道出血44例( 24 . 6 % ) ,死亡37例( 20 . 7 % ) ;消化道出血发生率以脑基底节区出血并脑室积血为最高( 38 . 9 % ) ,其次依序为蛛网膜下腔、脑干、脑叶、小脑和局限于脑基底节区出血;并发消化道出血的病死率为50 % ,无消化道出血的病死率为11 . 1 % .脑出血并发消化道出血主要与出血溢入脑室、中线结构移位、血肿量大等因素有关,且病死率高
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