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  • One of the enduring mysteries of the renaissance has been resolved with the discovery of the workshop of leonardo da vinci in florence , it was announced yesterday
    据外电昨天( 1月12日)报道,文艺复兴时期遗留的众多疑团之一已随着里昂纳多?达芬奇画室在佛罗伦萨重见天日而破解。
  • It would be fruitless to attempt to explain ; but there is a point on which i have long endured painful doubt , and i can go nowhere till by some means that doubt is removed
    “解释也是徒劳的,在这一点上我长期忍受着痛苦的疑虑,不通过某种办法来解除疑团,我什么地方也不能去。 ”
  • Ask information of the people at the inn ; they can give you all you seek : they can solve your doubts at once . go up to that man , and inquire if mr . rochester be at home
    “从旅店里的人那里探听一下消息吧,他们会提供你寻觅的一切情况,立刻解开你的疑团,走到那个人跟前去,问问罗切斯特先生在不在家。 ”
  • You wanted to write about the world and the scheme of existence when the world was a chinese puzzle to you and all that you could have written would have been about what you did not know of the scheme of existence
  • No one would deny this has been a difficult season and with supporters concerned about events on and off the field , rick parry addressed some of those issues in an exclusive interview with lfc . tv
  • Part of the verification can be worked out from understanding the processes and verities of the production system , and on this score , i would like to credit mr yu mo - wan , mr law kar , and ms wong ain - ling for their expertise and suggestions . more valuably , we have managed to verify the facts with filmmakers active in the 1950s and 1960s . however , because of the passage of time , certain gaps and doubts remain unresolved
  • Often after collecting the alms and reckoning up twenty to thirty roubles promisedand for the most part left owingfrom some ten members , of whom half were as well - off as pierre himself , he thought of the masonic vow by which every brother promised to give up all his belongings for his neighbour ; and doubts stirred in his soul from which he tried to escape . he divided all the brothers he knew into four classes
  • Eric li ka - cheung , convener of the breakfast group , said that the group still had a number of doubts in mind and these had to be clarified by antony leung face to face . if leung could provide a reasonable explanation , they believed they could still continue to work with him and would not support the setting up of an investigation committee or to call for him to resign
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