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  • Outside , the lopsided moon , the hacked - at trees and the hobbled moon garden shimmered and rustled and fluttered in the night wind , satisfied they worked their powerful enchantment still
  • The magnificence of the desert and the mountains and the charm of the lake with its blue water , enhance each other s beauty . the luxurious reeds sway in the breeze and attract groups of birds to build comfortable nests
  • Here tess flung herself down upon the rustling undergrowth of spear - grass , as upon a bed , and remained crouching in palpitating misery broken by momentary shoots of joy , which her fears about the ending could not altogether suppress
  • He walked about the meadow , dragging one leg after the other , making the grass rustle , and watching the dust , which covered his boots . then he strode along , trying to step on the traces of the footsteps of the mowers on the meadow ; or counting his steps , calculated how many times he would have to walk from one boundary rut to another to make a verst ; or cut off the flowers of wormwood growing in the rut , and crushing them in his hands , sniffed at the bitter - sweet , pungent odour
  • The long grass rustled at her feet as the white rabbit hurried by - the frightened mouse splashed his way through the neighbouring pool - she could hear the rattle of the teacups as the march hare and his friends shared their never - ending meal , and the shrill voice of the queen ordering off her unfortunate guests to execution - once more the pig - baby was sneezing on the duchess s knee , while plates and dishes crashed around it - once more the shriek of the gryphon , the squeaking of the lizard s slate - pencil , and the choking of the suppressed guinea - pigs , filled the air , mixed up with the distant sobs of the miserable mock turtle
  • Through the hush of air a voice sang to them , low , not rain , not leaves in murmur , like no voice of strings of reeds or what doyoucallthem dulcimers , touching their still ears with words , still hearts of their each his remembered lives . good , good to hear : sorrow from them each seemed to from both depart when first they heard
  • Conversation began of the sort which is kept up just long enough for the caller to get up at the first pause , rustling her skirts and with a murmur of i am so charmed ; mammas healthand the countess apraxin walk out again with the same rustle to the hall to put on cloak or overcoat and drive away
    这场谈话开始了,谈话在头次停顿的时候正好有人站起来,把那连衣裙弄得沙沙作响,有人说: “ jeauisbiencharme , lasantdlemamanetlacomtesseapraksine ”连衣裙又给弄得沙沙作响,有人朝接待室走去,穿上皮袄或披起斗篷,就离开了。
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