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  • After studying about the status and constraints of agricultural extension system in jurong - a county in jiangsu province , this thesis described the constraints and the development strategy of the current agriculture extension system in jurong county . the study shows that there are four constraints in the agriculture extension system as described below : the local leaders did not pay much attention to the agrixultural extension ; internal management problems ; the conflice between public affair and market characteristics within the services and the agricultural comprison benfit is lower , at the county level must be further constructed because this article also discusses the commonweal and the profit , along with the policy making of the agriculture extension
    本文通过对江苏省农业大县? ?句容市近年来市、镇两级农业推广机构的职能设置、经费投入、人员结构、待遇状况、服务运转等农业发展实际情况的调查研究,认为新时期加强县级农业推广体系建设面临诸多影响因素,积极的有政策调整和应对入世的要求、农民致富和农村经济发展的要求、社会和生态建设的要求以及农业生产全过程的要求等五个方面;同时,存在四个不利因素:一些基层领导重视不够、体系内部不能很好适应新形势、农业公益性和市场性的定位不准、农业的比较利益不高。
  • Four attribute were particularly important : factor conditions , demand conditions , the vigor of related and supporting industries , and the industrial structure . two other auxiliary variables were government actions and chance events . as to china ' s foreign trade , during the last 20 years , our country carried out the principle of comparative advantage , that is , exporting labor - intensive product and importing capital - intensive product
    从国际经验看,很多发展中国家在实施比较优势原则的过程中都或多或少地步入了“比较利益陷阶” (在劳动密集型产品和资本密集型产品的贸易中,以劳动密集型和自然资源密集型产品出口为主的国家总是处于不利地位) ,我国的劳动密集型产品能不能长期化?
  • The reasons for these problems are as follows : ( 1 ) technological input of agriculture is insufficient ; ( 2 ) the staff of agricultural scientific research institution is not of high quality ; ( 3 ) the quantity and rate of agricultural technology staff are reduced ; ( 4 ) the structure of agricultural science and technology is unreasonable ; ( 5 ) fanners are not of high cultural quality ; ( 6 ) the risk of agricultural management is high ; ( 7 ) the cost of technological information is high ; ( 8 ) the farmer ' s management scale is small ; ( 9 ) comparative profit of agriculture is low ; ( 10 ) the system of agricultural technological popularization is not perfect ; ( 11 ) external environment is not fine
    在此基础上,本文重点从农业技术创新的供给、需求和中介组织、外部环境四个方面,提出了江苏农业现代化进程巾技术创新存在的问题。产生这些问题的原因有: ( l )农业科技投入不足;且)农业科研机构人员素质不高; ( 3 )农业科技人员数量及比例下降; ( 4 )农业朴研结构不合理; 、 5 )农民文化素质较低; ( 6 )农业经营风险大; ( 7 )技术信息成本高; ( 8 )农户经营规模小; ( 9 )农业比较利益低; ( 10 )中介渠道不畅;砚11外部环境不佳等。
  • In qualitative analysis , it introduces instruments such as motivation , profit , the theory of comparative profit and the theory of factors gifted in quantitative analysis , it places emphasis on reliable data , applicable methods and advanced means , however , never repels common methods
  • By using theories of scale management and comparative advantage to analyze the relationship between hub - spoke network will greatly promote airlines & airlines & airport management , i pointed out that hub - spoke network will greatly promote airlines & airport to change & innovation in their management mode , operation mode & idea , therefore it will promote airline & airport to further development
  • After the development of several decades especially after the implementation of the opening up and reform policy for more than 20 years , china ' s agriculture has n ' t stepped out of the framework of the traditional agriculture despite the great achievements it has made . the agricultural base is still rather frail
  • Among obstructive sub - factors about farmer , what the agricultural comparative benefits is lower plays the greatest role , followed successively by what farmer ' s educational level is low , what farmer " income is low , what agricultural creative scale is little , what agricultural insurance is n ' t perfect , what farmer has n ' t enough information , what the quality of agricultural sci - tech achievements is poor , what farmer " thought is old fashioned , what farmer would n ' t afford the agricultural sci - tech achievements
    2 、农民方面的子障碍因子,按影响程度由大到小依次排序为:农业比较利益偏低农民科技文化素质低农民收入偏低农业生产规模小农业科技保险工作不完善农民信息不灵存在一些假冒伪劣农技成果农民思想保守农民不愿有偿使用农业科技成果。
  • As a product of the class struggle of the british industrial revolution in the first half of the 19th century , the theory of comparative cost put forward by ricardo david on the base of the labor theory of value had revealed the possibility of achieving the comparative profits i . e . save on social labor by way of labor division between two countries
  • Translation 2 : as a product of the class struggle of the british industrial revolution in the first half of the 19th century , the theory of comparative cost put forward by ricardo david on the base of the labor theory of value had revealed the possibility of achieving the comparative profits i . e . save on social labor by way of labor division between two countries
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