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  • The " mutation station " allows you to create dramatic mutations in a fruit fly through simple genetic alterations
  • The bloomington fly stock center collects , maintains and distributes drosophila melanogaster strains for research
  • The bloomington fly stock center collects , maintains and distributes drosophila melanogaster strains for research
  • To nobody ' s surprise , therefore , though the mutant fly is capable of learning things , it forgets them within minutes
  • And in fruit flies , genes involved in metabolism , such as indy ( i ' m not dead yet ) , have been implicated in life - span control
    至于和果蝇代谢有关的基因,像是indy ,也发现参与了果蝇寿命的调控。
  • But as a fly is a very different creature from humans , these results are far , far away from helping us to extend our lives
  • As expected , fully fed flies without a sense of smell lived longer than normal flies on the same diet ? by 40 to 50 %
    正如所料,食物充足且进食量相等的情况下,失去嗅觉的果蝇比正常果蝇寿命长40 - 50 % 。
  • Moreover , the particular protein that the flies lack is most concentrated in brain areas involved in learning and memory
  • These alleles showed wing and cuticle phenotypes related to both wg and hh signaling pathways ( notch and vein defect et al . )
  • Gfp movies : you can view these online movies of expression of green fluorescent protein ( gfp ) in a drosophila embryo
    萤光蛋白( gfp )影片:学生们可以浏览这个线上的影片资料,内容为萤光蛋白在果蝇胚胎的表现。
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