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  • In the end , the only people left in the hall were harriet herself and jeffrey doe , her second cousin once removed
    最后,只剩哈莉特和杰弗里无名氏,她曾经搬走了的二表兄(译注:远房的?待商榷) 。
  • The legendary hero of an anonymous old english epic poem believed to have been composed in the early eighth century
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  • Lisa : i wonder why they posted all these months as anonymous ? did they really just think you could tell who they are
  • Lisa : well , are you sure all the anonymous comments are from the same person ? it could be several people with no usernames
  • But today we also know that if you re convicted of a dui , driving under the influence , one of the things the judge may do , among other things , is require you to go to an aa meeting , alcoholics anonymous
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  • This discovery not only helps clarify the time when qing yang qiang was popular , but also makes it clear of the dates of many anonymous legends collected in these collections , and therefore is very important to the historical study of ming drama
    《词林一枝》 、 《八能奏锦》编纂年代的考定,不仅可以澄清以“滚调”作为重要标志的青阳腔盛行的时间,而且还可以借以考定这两部戏曲选集收录的许多无名氏传奇作品的成书年代,这对明代戏曲史研究具有重要的意义。
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