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  • The source said news corp . ' s participation is considered small and murdoch ' s goal is primarily to cut printing and back - office costs at his media conglomerate ' s money - losing new york post newspaper
    该消息人士说,新闻集团这次仅是小规模参与竞购,默多克的主要目的是为削减其旗下《纽约邮报》的印刷和后台开支。 《纽约邮报》目前陷入亏损状态。
  • Rupert murdoch ' s news corp edged closer to winning control of dow jones yesterday as pearson and general electric said they had decided against a counter - bid for the publisher of the wall street journal
  • News corp . is not interested in buying tribune ' s newsday outright as u . s . media ownership laws could prevent the company from owning another newspaper in the new york region , the source said
    此外该人士还透露,由于美国法律禁止新闻集团在纽约地区再拥有一家报纸,该集团无法直接收购论坛报业集团旗下的《新闻日报》 ,因此选择与钱德勒家族携手竞购。
  • After news of rupert murdoch ' s ambitious move , the company ' s share value rose rapidly , opening at 37 dollars and 12 cents and going up to 57 dollars and 28 cents before trading was halted by the new york stock exchange
    在默多克新闻集团的宏伟行动后,道?琼斯股票快速增长,以37 . 12美元开盘,但在纽约证券交易所停止交易前就涨到57 . 28美元每股。
  • With the number of remote controls that are scattered around many people ' s s that might be a great step forward . but other experts are hedging their bets about how long this may take to happen , if it comes about at all
  • Which is why some news corporation shareholders suspect that they are just excuses , and that mr murdoch has put his long - standing desire to own one of the world ' s great newspapers before any serious consideration of value for money
  • For now , sony ; metro - goldwyn - mayer , which is owned by private equity firms in partnership with the comcast corporation and sony ; 20th century fox , a division of the news corporation ; and walt disney pictures are all exclusively releasing their dvds in blu - ray
    目前,索尼、私人投资并与康卡斯特和索尼合作的米高梅、新闻集团下属的二十世纪福克斯以及迪士尼,都专以蓝光技术发行了自己的dvd 。
  • Mr murdoch has , however , paid a high price for dow jones ? at least $ 1 billion , and perhaps $ 2 billion , more than appears justified by the fundamentals of the business ? so news corporation ' s shareholders may come to regard his victory as pyrrhic
    不过,默多克先生为收购道琼斯支付了高价? ?比商业基本准则认为的合理价格至少高出10亿美元,或许是20亿美元? ?因此,新闻集团的股东们或许会将此视作代价惨重的胜利。
  • The government ' s foreign review board became involved because the proposed relocation means the new u . s . - based company is buying the assets of australia - based news corp . the deal would also involve the controlling interest in queensland press , moving from one foreign owner to another
  • With mr murdoch ' s backing the wall street journal will surely prove a much tougher rival to the financial times , and dow jones ' s resources might enable news corporation ' s new business - tv channel , due to be launched in october , to do serious damage to cnbc
    有了默多克的支持, 《华尔街日报》必定会成为《金融时报》更为强劲的竞争对手,而道琼斯的资源或可协助新闻集团预定10月开播的全新财经电视频道大胜cnbc 。
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