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  • For example , doctors often perform an artery - opening procedure and implant a stent or do a coronary bypass operation
  • Introduction : the left mouse button from the top of the screen made deck again by the left will deck can bypass into the river
  • Changes of ardiactroponin - i between conventional on - pump coronary artery bypass grafting and off - pump coronary artery bypass grafting
  • The clinic outcomes of off - pump coronary artery graft bypass on the patients with coronary artery disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Thus , 1 to 2 years after coronary bypass surgery , there was a significant reduction in the left ventricular segmental wall motion abnonmalities
    因而在冠状动脉搭桥术后1 - 2年,左心室壁节段运动大为减少。
  • Conclusion the present study demonstrated that the bridge internal drainage was a simple and safe surgical procedure without major postoperative events
  • A comparison of serum creatine kinase - mb and cardiac troponin in patients undergoing cabg with off - pump technique or cardiopulmonary bypass
  • Doctors described the operation as a low - risk procedure to relieve a problem that crops up in only a fraction of 1 percent of bypass cases
    医生们称这次手术风险不大,目的是为了减轻搭桥手术病例中出现几率仅为1 %的症状。
  • Clinton entered the hospital to undergo heart bypass surgery which doctors urged be carried out as quickly as possible
  • Muscle bridge in the pda is rarely seen , but may induce severe ischemic angina and influence the patient ' s every day life and work
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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