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  • He had a grudge and a grievance : that was obvious to any true - born english gentleman , who would scorn to let such a thing appear blatant in his own demeanour
  • In her turn , helen burns asked me to explain , and i proceeded forthwith to pour out , in my own way , the tale of my sufferings and resentments
  • " have you so proved it to be a failing of mine , tom ? " said louisa , showing no other sense of his discontent and ill - nature
    “你是不是拿准了这是我的一个缺点呢,汤姆? ”露易莎除掉了这句话外,仿佛对他那愤懑的样子和坏脾气并没有别的什么感觉似的。
  • A principal fruit of friendship , is the ease and discharge of the fulness and swellings of the heart , which passions of all kinds do cause and induce
  • Taylor ' s family is growing weary after 24 years of delays , said his older brother , jack taylor . they want hill dead and they were angry when his execution was halted
  • Perhaps it should be added that the effect is greatly increased if owen s verse be spoken somewhat slowly and indistinctly in a tone suggestive of suppressed rancour
  • And in her bitterness burned a cold indignation against clifford , and his writings and his talk : against all the men of his sort who defrauded a woman even of her own body . unjust
  • College president james wright said he shared many of smith ' s goals , but he expressed frustration over the college ' s critics , noting that dartmouth continues to attract superior students and faculty
  • When trouble with the law lands tyler with a community service gig at maryland school of the arts , he arrives as an angry outsider , until his skills as a gifted street dancer draw nora ? s attention
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