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  • Nervously , they steal glances at each other , averting their eyes when they see the other one looking back
  • It was with some trepidation that i perceived the hour approach when i was to repair with my charge to the drawing - room
  • Natasha guessed they were talking of the old prince and making some plan , and she felt worried and humiliated by it
  • But this transforms into severe apprehension once you have been hoisted steadily skywards and are broughn to a holt atm he peak of the ride
  • Some parents are uneasy with having their children ' s fingerprints scanned , and wonder about how well the information is secured
  • Some parents are uneasy with having their children ' s fingerprints scanned , and wonder about how well the information is secured
  • Residents of other countries may fret that criminals , gang - members and insane individuals are increasingly likely to use guns and knives
  • I get scared , and am unable to sleep at night , but i usually perform at my best under this stimulating kind of pressure and enjoy my job the most
  • " no , no , don t write , " said georges in great anxiety . " i ll explain it all myself . besides , if they bother me about it i shan t go home again .
    “不,不,别写信, ”乔治惴惴不安地说道, “这件事还是由我自己来处理吧如果她再唠唠叨叨,我就不回家了。 ”
  • All of these were fresh and unknown to shangguan who just now crept out of the yellow clay room of the reforming farm . his anxious heart sunk even more
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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