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  • His two terms in office 1981 - 1989 coincided with a period of economic prosperity , the crumbling of the soviet bloc and a renewed sense of pride among americans still reeling from the vietnam war
    在里根两届总统任期内1981 - 1989 ,美国经济空前繁荣,而苏联集团土崩瓦解,美国人民的自豪感在经历越南战争的打击之后逐渐开始恢复。
  • His two terms in office ( 1981 - 1989 ) coincided with a period of economic prosperity , the crumbling of the soviet bloc and a renewed sense of pride among americans still reeling from the vietnam war
    在里根两届总统任期内( 1981 - 1989 ) ,美国经济空前繁荣,而苏联集团土崩瓦解,美国人民的自豪感在经历越南战争的打击之后逐渐开始恢复。
  • While a single divorce didn ‘ t block either ronald reagan or bob dole from seeking the most highly scrutinized job in america ? the us presidency ? modern society still raises an eyebrow at more than one matrimonial mistake
    然而单单一个离婚并没有妨碍里根或多尔去寻求美国受到最高审查的工作- -美国总统任期- -现代社会仍然对于他们犯了不止一个婚姻错误感到惊讶。
  • The reason for the mayhem was the president ' s heavy hint , in an end - of - the - year address , that he might stay on for a third term of another seven years ; the present constitution , which came into force in 1996 , allows for only two terms
  • As france digested the apparent separation and possibility of divorce , legal experts questioned whether the president was entitled to alter his marital status while in office because his immunity barred him from involvement in any legal proceedings
  • The president shall , at stated times , receive for his services , a compensation , which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected , and he shall not receive within that period any other emolument from the united states , or any of them
  • If a president shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term , or if the president elect shall have failed to qualify , then the vice - president elect shall act as president until a president shall have qualified ; and the congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a president elect nor a vice - president shall have qualified , declaring who shall then act as president , or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected , and such person shall act accordingly until a president or vice - president shall have qualified
  • But this article shall not apply to any person holding the office of president when this article was proposed by congress , and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of president , or acting as president , during the term the term within which this article becomes operative from holding the office of president or acting as president during the remainder of such term
  • No person shall be elected to the office of the president more than twice , and no person who has held the office of president , or acted as president , for more that two years of a term to which some other person was elected president shall be elected to the office of president more that once
    1947年3月24日提出, 1951年2月27日批准无论何人,当选担任总统职务不得超过两次无论何人,在他人当选总统任期内担任总统职务或代理总统两年以上,不得当选担任总统职务一次以上。
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