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  • Heart failure , or the heart cannot pump out blood effectively to match the body s demands , will cause a substantial fall in quality of life with symptoms of breathlessness on mild exertion , swelling of the legs and body , and fatigue . patients may lose ability to perform daily tasks and to work
  • While the current criteria for determining the suitability of crt are very restrictive and not sensitive , the division of cardiology has employed cutting edge technology in echocardiography to diagnose and predict which patient group ( s ) will have the best response to crt . usually symptoms such as shortness of breath and fatigue can be easily neglected by patients and hence diagnosis will be delayed until very late or the situation is very severe and dangerous that hospitalization is required
  • Alternatively , they could generate healthy specialized cells from patients who had donated their genetic material , and transplant them into tissues - - without the risk of prompting immune rejection - - to treat failing hearts , neurological diseases such as parkinson ' s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis , spinal cord injury and diabetes
  • Recent studies have shown encouraging results for this therapy . the division of cardiology is now employing cutting edge technology in echocardiography for early and accurate diagnosis of heart failure and to predict which patient group ( s ) will have the best response to crt , which will be a major step forward in treatment for the disease
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