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  • There are now over sixty such centers and activities . rinpoche travels constantly between these centers , teaching and guiding his thousands of disciples
  • Why didnt you succeed in impressing on bonaparte by diplomatic methods that he had better leave genoa alone ? said prince andrey in the same tone
    “你们为什么不用外交手腕开导波拿巴,要他最好放弃热那亚呢? ”安德烈公爵用同样的语调说道。
  • People who feel angry and frustrated because they cannot sleep should not try harder and harder to fall asleep , but should trun on the light and do something different
  • As to any other kind of discipline , whether addressed to her mind or heart , little pearl might or might not be within its reach , in accordance with the caprice that ruled the moment
  • For instance , when yuichi is caught shoplifting , what the school does is to merely send a teacher over to apologize . the teacher does not punish yuichi or explain to him what he has done wrong
  • For instance , when yuichi is caught shoplifting , what the school does is to merely send a teacher over to apologize . the teacher does not punish yuichi or explain to him what he has done wrong
  • As we walked home , i would fain have enlightened my charge on the characters of the people we had quitted ; but she got it into her head that i was prejudiced against them
  • A woman named lydia , from the city of thyatira , a seller of purple fabrics , a worshiper of god , was listening ; and the lord opened her heart to respond to the things spoken by paul
    徒16 : 14有一个卖紫色布疋的妇人、名叫吕底亚、是推雅推喇城的人、素来敬拜神他听见了、主就开导他的心、叫他留心听保罗所讲的话。
  • " come , let us endeavor to get to the end of our story , beauchamp ; i told you that yesterday madame made inquiries of me upon the subject ; enlighten me , and i will then communicate my information to her .
    “来,让们来听完你的故事吧,波尚,我告诉你,夫人前天还问到我这件事情。开导我一下吧,让我去告诉她一些消息。 ”
  • And a certain woman named lydia , a trader in purple cloth of the town of thyatira , and a god - fearing woman , gave ear to us : whose heart the lord made open to give attention to the things which paul was saying
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