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  • Evidence that the operation was much larger than first thought - insiders believe thousands may have been monitored - has fed conspiracy theories
  • Jake : really ? man , this is interesting tend with us greece players . i use to be yao ming back at home , but now i am mostly a bench warmer
  • He was young - perhaps from twenty - eight to thirty - tall , slender ; his face riveted the eye ; it was like a greek face , very pure in outline : quite a straight , classic nose ; quite an athenian mouth and chin
  • The most important legacy for greeks is a new public transport system , expected to speed movement round the capital , bring business to poorer neighbourhoods and cut pollution
  • The extreme beauty of the countenance , that shone forth in loveliness that mocked the vain attempts of dress to augment it , was peculiarly and purely grecian ; there were the large , dark , melting eyes , the finely formed nose , the coral lips , and pearly teeth , that belonged to her race and country
  • His wife visited for him , and this was the received thing in the world , where the weighty and multifarious occupations of the magistrate were accepted as an excuse for what was really only calculated pride , a manifestation of professed superiority - in fact , the application of the axiom , " pretend to think well of yourself , and the world will think well of you , " an axiom a hundred times more useful in society nowadays than that of the greeks , " know thyself , " a knowledge for which , in our days , we have substituted the less difficult and more advantageous science of knowing others
    他的妻子代他去拜客,这已是社会上所公认的事了,他们以为法官工作繁重而谅解了他,实际上他却是出于一种傲慢的想法,这正是贵族的本质的确,他实践了“只要你自以为了不起,别人也就会以为你了不起”这句格言,这句格言在我们这个社会里比起希腊人的那句“认识你自己, ”实在是更有用,而我们却用那比较省力而更有利的“认识别人”取代了希腊人的这句格言。
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