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  • Chirac then evoked spielberg ' s film schindler ' s list , which he described as one of his personal favorites
    随后,希拉克回忆起斯皮尔伯格的电影《辛德勒的名单》 ,他说这是他最喜欢的电影之一。
  • In the end , jacques chirac ' s government did what french governments do best : it backed down and dropped the whole plan
  • The president ' s office denied this . last year it also denied that chirac had made the remark about finnish and british cuisine
  • There is one further problem : that mr sarkozy is linked in the public mind with mr chirac ' s controversial 12 - year reign
  • The us leader had been sitting in the front row , sandwiched between chirac and british prime minister tony blair
  • “ the only thing they have ever done for european agriculture is mad cow disease , ” mr chirac said , according to the newspaper ' s report
    据新闻报道,希拉克先生说, "他们对欧洲农业唯一的贡献就是疯牛病。
  • In 1995 , for instance , mr chirac had campaigned not to reform france but to “ mend the social fracture ”
    比如说, 1995年的改革,时任总统希拉克在经选中承诺不会对法国进行改革,但会“修整社会的薄弱环节” 。
  • But as mr chirac has noted , opportunistic politicians may lose at the centre as many votes as they gain on the fringe
  • Schroeder arrived half a day after the first leaders , but was made to feel welcome by his buddy and host , french president jacques chirac
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