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  • Mexican ports and more northerly west coast terminals , such as seattle and vancouver , have also absorbed some overspill but analysts said they were not big enough to solve the crisis
  • In london last week to promote japan and its largest securities exchange , mr nishimuro told a seminar of bankers and analysts : “ investment in facilities to manage change has been sadly lacking in the past
    上周在伦敦介绍日本及其最大的证券交易所时,西室泰三向参加研讨会的银行家和分析师表示: “不幸的是,在过去,设备投资一直不足,难以应对变化。 ”
  • Mr houston said individual shareholders held about 18 per cent of shares and that his group would fight to form an alliance of shareholders controlling at least 25 per cent , although analysts said this was unlikely to succeed
    休斯顿先生表示,个人股东持股达到18 %左右,他的团体将竭力组成一个控制至少25 %股份的股东联盟,但分析师表示,这是不可能成功的。
  • Reflecting on his performance at one world . of peace through music , mr . conti recently shared with the supreme master ching hai international association members his thoughts about the concert , and expressed his warmest wishes to supreme master ching hai
  • Some tourism shares have doubled in price since the start of the year , and analysts say most will continue to log strong gains as revenue surges for the next several years amid government efforts to promote more travel to and within the country
  • However , several analysts said slowing us economic growth , rising chief executive uncertainty and difficult international markets could exacerbate the usual seasonal trends and cut into the traditional fourth quarter recovery
  • Later in the day , ms . mouradyan shared with master that many local armenians had called into the tv station after the interview to inquire more about supreme master ching hai s philosophy and to express their desire to meet her
  • Yet while price gains for cocoa and coffee have been driven by adverse weather affecting production during a period of rising consumption , analysts say grains prices are experiencing a structural shift , owing mainly to the growing demand for biofuels
  • The day the relief team members left the beautiful island of grenada , their driver , a local grenadian , told them that many people from his community had asked him to convey their gratitude to the supreme master ching hai for her timely help during such a critical time
  • Library plays a crucial role in talents cultivation and as well the culture construction and culture accumulation of normal institutions of higher learning which are characterized by their presented exemplary virtue , spirit of devotion to the profession and artistic teaching skills
    摘要图书馆在师范院校端庄得体的“师表”文化、笃信好学的“师才”文化和乐于奉献的“师德’ ,文化构建与积淀中具有核心地位,并对师范人才的培养有著至关重要的作用。
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