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  • Carol , these are the same guys who carried the plague all through europe during the tenth century and killed millions of people
  • Along the stalls were varieties of collection , including beautiful art wares , useful note books , attractive gadgets , etc
  • There are hundreds of stalls displaying and selling all kinds of commodities , such as casual wear and odds and ends
  • Whether your travelling for business or leisure , these gadgets should help make your life easier . which ones are your favorites
  • Oh , nothing really . just a satellite phone , gps locator , fishing rod , water purifier , and . . . some seeds . just silly stuff
    哦,没什么特别的。只有一部卫星电话,一个gps定位器,一个鱼竿,一个净水器和. . .一些种子。只是一些小玩意
  • The science cart is a cart specially designed for science learning activities . the cart is equipped with a number of props on the topics of science
  • But his stony face and dry presentation of dialogues have betrayed him and made this role totally unconvincing . shu qi s horrible english dialogues in
  • I toted around this little marvel of miniaturization for a month to find out whether it ' s worth the $ 300 price tag and the $ 12 . 95 monthly usage fee
    我带著这个充满惊奇的小玩意一个月,看看它是否值300美元,外加每月12 . 95美元的使用费。
  • He cried with abrupt positiveness . " before the year is out i ll put an even hundred of those little yellow - boys into your hand . i don t ask you to believe me
    他突然坚决叫道, “不到一年工夫我一定要拿整整一百个这种小玩意放到你手里。
  • On tung choi street is the place for inexpensive clothing , accessories , electronic games , toys and great souvenirs . open noon - 11 : 30pm , daily
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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