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  • It ' s funny , you should mention it ; strange to say , i was wondering the same thing myself
  • Well , thinks i , that looks powerful bad for tom , and i ll dig out for the island right off
  • Says i to myself , something s up ; it ain t natural for a girl to be in such a sweat about a testament
  • 16 points or higher : your dog puts lassie to shame . you should hope to be so smart
    16分:你的狗狗,气死周喻,赛诸葛。你会寻思: “我小时候怎么考什么,什么不及格呢? ”
  • Ay , and done , says i . gob , ye ll come home by weeping cross one of these days , i m thinking
    “哎,而且这下子完啦314 , ”我说。我寻思,迟早有一天,他会弄得寸步难行。
  • " it is not a pleasant idea , " they thought , " to be living thus side by side with a rascal .
    “这不是一种用意良好的念头, ”他们寻思, “这不就是和一个坏蛋住在一起了嘛。 ”
  • When it became clear that tesla ' s ac motor had real promise , his backers began pondering how to promote it
  • 11 they were delighted to hear this and promised to give him money . so he watched for an opportunity to hand him over
  • Rostov felt ill at ease ; he racked his brain and could not find in it a joke in which to reply to dolohovs words
  • And when they heard it , they were glad , and promised to give him money . and he sought how he might conveniently betray him
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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