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  • Finally , from the angle of religious studies , he pointed out that the great masters of all religions attained inner enlightenment through the same path the quan yin method
  • Truely a master of light and shadows , f . w . murnau 1888 - 1931 had created a total of 21 films in his comparatively short life and of these , 12 survive to this day
    堪称光与影一代宗师的茂瑙1888 - 1931英年早逝,一生拍了二十一部电影,流传至今的只有十二部。
  • Consequently , the project had finally completed and it is located in master gu ' s hometown of zhenghong village , zhenghong county , binhai county , yancheng city , jiangsu province
  • The catalogue consists of analytical articles discussing the career and works of king hu , filmmaker par excellent of martial arts pictures . there are also many interviews of hu s co - workers and colleagues
  • Thanks to loans and support offered by the shanghai art museum , ms feng yeh and other private collectors , it is possible to showcase the superb artistic achievements of this great artist
  • Due to different masters , his poems reveal artistically three different styles : hard school poem influenced by han yu , cold school poem by jiac dao and yue fu poem from zhang ji
    艺术上,由于宗师不同,其诗也呈现出三种不同的风格:韩愈影响下的“硬派诗” ,郊岛影响下的“冷派诗”以及张籍影响下的“乐府诗” 。
  • A widowed father , his son nicky stephen fung and a daughter natalie gillian chung learn the martial arts from their father but are skeptical of his claim to an alliterative life as a protector of secret agents
  • The white pagoda was designed by a well - known nepalese architect and technologist arniger , filled with buddhist treasure by master renqin jianzan , both of whom recommended by master ba siba
    白塔始建于元至元八年( 1271年) ,由元世祖忽必烈亲自勘察选址,一代宗师八思巴择派国师亦怜真与尼泊尔著名工艺家阿尼哥分别负责装藏和建造事宜。
  • Catch the ferry from the zoo to the aquarium of the americas . you dont have to be a riverboat captain to participate in the rich trade culture . you can shop beside the river in the busy and colorful riverwalk mall
    在本世纪初,爵士乐成为一股音乐主流,路易斯萨莫阿姆斯特朗louis satchmu armstrong登上新奥尔良爵士乐宗师的宝座,
  • In 1920s and 1930s , master gu ruzhang of northern shaolin martial arts southern diversification had diligently teached the northern shaolin style chinese martial arts in guangzhou through guangs martial arts academy and guangzhou martial arts association
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