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  • Sitting alone , in the front of a box immediately opposite , but situated on the third row , was a woman of exquisite beauty , dressed in a greek costume , which evidently , from the ease and grace with which she wore it , was her national attire . behind her , but in deep shadow , was the outline of a masculine figure ; but the features of this latter personage it was not possible to distinguish
  • But as the conviction gained ground among them that the man in the white hat was doing no harm , and either sat quietly on the slope of the earthwork , or , making way with a shy and courteous smile for the soldiers to pass , walked about the battery under fire as calmly as though he were strolling on a boulevard , their feeling of suspicious ill - will began to give way to a playful and kindly cordiality akin to the feeling soldiers always have for the dogs , cocks , goats , and other animals who share the fortunes of the regiment
  • M . de morcerf is sometimes occupied , his business makes him reflective , and he might , without intending it " - " nothing could be in better taste than my father s demeanor , madame , " said albert ; " nay , more , he seemed greatly flattered at two or three compliments which the count very skilfully and agreeably paid him with as much ease as if he had known him these thirty years
    马尔塞夫先生有的时候心神不定,他总想着他的正事,他或许在无意之中”爸爸的态度再好也没有的了,妈, ”阿尔贝说道, “而且,还不止呢,他似乎很喜欢伯爵对他说的那几句恭维话,伯爵的话说得非常巧妙,而态度之安闲,就象是他已经认识他有三十年了似的。
  • He felt disposed to speak to the traveller , but by the time he had ready a question about the road with which to address him , the traveller had closed his eyes , and folded his wrinkled old hands , on one finger of which there was a large iron ring with a seal representing the head of adam . he sat without stirring , either resting or sunk , as it seemed to pierre , in profound and calm meditation
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