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  • During the 1970s and 1980s in the twenty century , the main themes of the world from " war and revolution " to " peace and development " , the structure of the world gradually from " two - polarization " to " muti - polarization " , the main element affecting our country ' s secure gradually form " traditional secure element " to " untraditional secure element "
    从20世纪70 、 80年代开始,世界的主题由“战争与革命”逐渐转换为“和平与发展” ,世界的格局逐渐由“两极”走向“多极” ,影响国家安全的主要因素逐渐由“传统安全因素”向“非传统安全因素”转换。
  • By way of analyzing the major safety elements of influencing the people with electricity jobs , and the major elements of influencing the power supply reliability , integrating with practice of zhuzhou chemical industry group corporation , we take measures of safety goal management , and intensify education and cultivation , and take safety technical step , and intensify safety inspection effect
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