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  • Furthermore , the authors report , rates of unilateral spastic cp were similar in children with birth weights of less than 1000 g and those between 1000 and 1499 g
    此外,作者认为,出生体重不到1000克的婴儿和出生体重介于1000 ~ 1499克的婴儿患单侧痉挛性脑瘫的几率相当。
  • Babies and toddlers can it seems absorb the harmful chemicals simply from touching furniture in a smoker ' s house , or hugging their mothers after they had a cigarette
  • From some time past it has been widely accepted that babies - - - and other creatures - - - learn to do things because certain acts lead to rewards
    译文:婴儿和其他动物由于某些做法有回报才学着做事情,这种观点在过去一段时间里一直为人们所广泛接受。 (主语从句提前,符合汉语习惯。 )
  • To provide early education and training services for infants and young children at risk of becoming disabled and those children with developmental delay
  • Tian ' s firm specializes in caring for mothers and infants during the first month after birth , when chinese tradition holds that a woman should rest and eat special foods
  • Tian ' s firm specializes in caring for mothers and infants during the first month after birth , when chinese tradition holds that a woman should rest and eat special foods
  • " this approach has the potential to transform the lives of millions of people , " says dr lee jong - wook , who director - general . " giving mothers , babies and children the care they need is an absolute imperative .
    “这一方法有潜力改变数百万人的生命, ”世卫组织总干事李钟郁博士说。 “向母亲、婴儿和儿童提供他们需要的照护是绝对必要的。 ”
  • It is now generally recognized that postnatal depression has profound adverse effects on the mother , the infant and the family and is an important public health issue . about one tenth of pregnant women suffer depression after delivery
  • The risks of second - hand smoke are already well - known and babies and children exposed to a smoky atmosphere are twice as likely to have asthma attacks and chest infections , and more likely to need hospital care in their first year of life
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