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  • Could the fire inside the aircraft been put out sooner ? in actuality , many victims would have been fatalities and aircraft completely lost is fire not out immediately
  • Pessotto under went surgery for a second time tuesday night , to improve blood circulation around his shattered ankle , and doctors later said that he risked dying on the operating table
  • " too many people die because they ca n ' t afford or do n ' t have access to the drugs , " clinton said at his office in harlem . " this agreement will save hundreds of thousands of lives .
    克林顿在位于纽约哈林区的办公室接受媒体采访时说: “有太多的人因为支付不起药费或买不到药而失去生命,这个协议将挽救成百上千条生命。 ”
  • Chelsea midfielder and england international joe is supporting the charity because both a relative and a family friend lost their lives to cystic fibrosis ( cf ) , the uk ' s most common life - threatening inherited disease
  • At any moment , it can be taken away from us without warning , without asking , without any permission from us at all , even without our knowledge , except for quan yin practitioners : we know before we die
  • It found that 48 , 000 deaths every year are caused bymalignantmelanomas , and 12 , 000 by other kinds of skin cancer . about90percent of such cancers are caused by ultraviolet light fromthesun
    世界卫生组织指出,每年全球有4 . 8万人因患恶性黑素瘤而丧生,另有1 . 2万人因患其他类型的皮肤癌而失去生命。而90的这种癌症是由于长时间暴露在太阳紫外线下造成的。
  • It is generally believed that the chief reason for the increase in population in developed countries is not so much the rise in birth rates as the decline in death rates as a result of the improvement in medical care
  • Other ordinary people don t know this ; they don t know when life will be taken from them . they don t even know when their dearest wife , husband or children will be taken from them or sometimes even be taken together
  • Renowned local storyteller finbar gittelman , clad in a pirate ' s costume , blew a honking tribute on a conch shell to commemorate lives lost during the season that produced a record 26 tropical storms , 13 of which strengthened into hurricanes
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