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  • Your mama ' s so ugly , when she joined an ugly contest , they said “ sorry , no professionals
    你妈太丑了,当她参加一个丑人比赛时,人家对她说: “对不起,非职业选手才能参加。 ”
  • It ' s about a big monkey who loves a beautiful woman but he ' s so ugly everyone wants to kill him
  • He is so ugly , he ran after the bin truck yelling , " am i too late for the rubbish ? " the dustman yelled back , " no , jump in !
    太丑了,他追着垃圾车喊: “我错过了丢垃圾的时间了吗? ”清洁工说: “没有,跳进来吧! ”
  • She is so ugly , she ran after the bin truck yelling , " am i too late for the rubbish ? " the dustman yelled back , " no , jump in !
    太丑了,她追着垃圾车喊: “我错过了丢垃圾的时间了吗? ”清洁工说: “没有,跳进来吧! ”
  • As time went by , his confidence got so low he even began to doubt the way he walked , for he felt his movements were clumsy and awkward
  • She ' s so ugly , she ran after the bin truck yelling , " am i too late for the rubbish ? " the dustman yelled back , " no , jump in !
    太丑了,她在追着垃圾车喊: “我错过了丢垃圾的时间了吗? ”清洁工说: “没有,跳进来吧! ”
  • She ' s so ugly , she ran after the bin truck yelling , " am i too late for the rubbish ? " the dustman yelled back , " no , jump in !
    太丑了,她在追着垃圾车喊: “我错过了丢垃圾的时间了吗? ”清洁工说: “没有,跳进来吧! ”
  • Thank him , then , my child , in your very best manner ; for , had he not come to our aid , neither you nor i would have been alive to speak our thanks .
    那孩子撅起了嘴唇,以一种厌恶和藐视的态度转过头去说道: “他长得太丑了! ”
  • " this lady , " said the count , speaking to ali in the arabic language , " is desirous that her son should thank you for saving both their lives ; but the boy refuses , saying you are too ugly .
    “这位太太, ”伯爵用阿拉伯语对阿里说道, “因为你救了他们的命,想叫她的儿子谢谢你,但那孩子不干,说你长得太丑了! ”
  • This emblem is so ugly . maybe the emblem of bei jing is too successful , it ' s look like a preson and include the word of jing . so the designer from england want to make the emblem like it , but it ' s so failure
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