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  • Should the mass media take the lead , and provide society with the proper guidance in the area of language the answer to both questions is in the affirmative
  • The information services department provides a communication link between the government and the people through newspapers , television , radio , magazines and other media
  • As well as the contact between farmers and agricultural technicians , public media played an unsubstitutable role in helping farmers to obtain adequate valuable information
  • The mass media shall improve propaganda on the safeguarding of consumers ' legal rights and interests and shall use public opinion to control acts harmful to consumers ' legal rights and interests
  • Then the author analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the functions of the three social communicative means : " three exchanges " , mass communication media and internet in the min - tai communication
    紧接着,对比分析了“三通” 、大众传播媒介、互联网这三种社会交往工具在闽台交流中的利弊及作用。
  • The general public will be informed of the study objectives , scope , approach , major key issues , development options and recommended strategy through press briefings and other forms of the mass media
  • Iv . tbe fundamcntal cause of chine8e medium industrialisationl . the developmen of the history shows the way to the chinese medium ' sdevelopment . 2 . the present social background also acts as the extemal force ofindustrializaion
  • The mass media and the educational departments should cooperate and work towards a positive linguistic environment , where our children can have more opportunities to listen to and read standardised languages
  • Advertisement belongs to artistic processed information , communicated through mass media , with great publicity and university . thus , talking about the rhetorical arts in advertisement appears very important
  • As a result , it was found that the modernity of the peasants in beijing is fairly clear and that education , mass media , the experience of flowing and staying in city are effective factors to promote the modernity of peasants
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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